Thank you everyone
Michelle - thank you for your words. I actually came on today to remove my thread as I am such a photo hater that I thought what on earth got in to me to post them up LOL
My band has made me think - I am still very aware that I have a long way to go, not only with the weight loss but changing the way I eat. Christmas has shown me that I still could if I allowed myself, to eat the way I used to . . .that sometimes the will power will go and that I have to made a conscious decision to stop myself. I know that if I had a packet of biscuits, I'd still eat them all and that just having one is at the moment, still not the way my mind goes. But then I'm battling against 30+ years of eating habits that got me into this mess.
In the past week - I wished I had a band around my mouth LOL and also around my head which squeezed out the thoughts of "just one" and the eating habits from all those years.
Looking fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing and it would be great if you kept sharing over your journeyI intend to share my pictures once I've had a procedure.
As far as I can gather getting loose skin removed on the NHS is virtually impossible. I am already thinking about this now. Some PCTs even get you to agree/sign before hand that you will not be eligible for loose skin removalWhen I saw the psychologist she said this during my assessment and she also included it in the report (that I had been made aware there would be no funding for loose skin removal post any weight loss surgery). I've started saving already and any money I got for Christmas is going straight into the loose skin removal savings account! Also, when the time comes I will have to see if I can get some finance as I won't be able to save the huge amounts needed as not much disposable income after paying all the bills...
Anyway, you're doing very well and you should be proud x x x
Loops, I don't think I should have put my picture there ? Sorry girls for the mix up x rubyred15