hmmm its a tough one eh .... I would never had gone for wls privately..... its not something that had even entered my mind.... I was just so ill, every day was a huge struggle just to be..... even when the doc mentioned it, it still wasn't an option for me either, but with the promise of psychologist help I went along....... most of my problems really all stem from my past, unfortunately I really didn't realise even my weight was all connected. Am so thankful to have been given the opportunity, unfortunately it is a postcode lottery.... not sure I agree with the criteria in some places.... but all areas are different !! It took me almost 3 years, but I was in no hurry..... I think it helped prepare me emotionally. Trouble matter what the dream outcome is, its so hard to do .............. I too would have loved IVF but because of weight it was a no go..... course now its too late...... sad how even with that huge carrot to help motivate us its still so difficult..... Its really all about reprogramming ourselves..... not sure any of us know what a good portion is, or how eating slow can help dramatically.... once you've got these under your belt your laughing..... I tell everyone that anyone can do takes 2 weeks of the slow eating for your tum to adjust...... I often wonder if i'd known all this if surgery would have been necessary !!! its a life lesson to learn .... yes it always going to be tough but the results are so worth it..... I feel for your friend, but if she's still young enough tell her not to waste her life wishing and waiting...... try as hard as she can, don't stick her head in the sand..... try and pin down the nhs or do as you did hunni..... I agree not cheap but worth every penny i'm sure...... people may think that having had mine on NHS the value or worth is not as great, but I assure everyone it is.....possibly more so.... I always say its the most expensive thing I have..... that I am worth more now than ever before lol I thank my lucky stars daily and will never take this gift for granted.... I know without it my life would be short, unhappy, unfulfilled and unhealthy. It helps also having others around in similar situations ....we all help route each other on, its no easy ride that's for sure..... get your friend on here..... support by the bucket load even before wls....just seeing the amazing stories are inspirational and motivational
Keep at it girlie your doing amazing...... x x x x x x