fantastic Hun well done1/2lb off this morning....only 1lb to the 15s!! 69lb total loss so far!xxx
They look tiny I's all around under my arms I think xxJe's woman what's the GG stand for good gracious.? I worry about mine shrinking to a b
Oh my god well done sharon...and you have 2 weeks to go. I knew you could do it..well done im so pleased for you. And oh my god gg!!!!! Thats quite a pair!!
Yay well done on getting to the 15's! Knew you'd do itxx
Thank you love!!!
I checked my Fitbit..9400 steps today..most done in ages hopefully that helps me with official weigh in day tomorrow but I'm not holding my breath as lost 2lbs already this week!
Funny I have been eating strawberries every day for last 2 weeks and my weightloss has increased..not sure if it's a coincidence xxx
I really can't wait! My husband is worn and and it's just hit him about his mum passing away so I think the holiday is coming at a good time! I'm off to get dollars Monday...only 10 working days to go for me now!!! How's the driving going? Have you done any?