Wow! My lil' old thread has shiny gold stars and five at that! Can you believe it?
Thank you!!
I really do adore writing/journalling. I try to do it everyday, its so very cathartic and if I can entertain you all and/or help others in the process, than that is just wonderful.
If you have been following this thread you will know that I don't believe in coincidences, I believe wholeheartedly that we live the lives we do for a purpose. This journey was made for me and that includes my having my Bypass surgery being cancelled twice.
Last Friday my head felt like it was in a vice. I tried desperately to appear cool, calm and collected but inside I was still fearful. It was only on the Saturday that I woke up with a sense of inner peace and acceptance regarding the future. I spent the week doing much reading, meditating like my life depended on it, speaking positive affirmation daily and thinking far less. I feel so much stronger than I did and again, I am reminded of how much I can achieve if I take control of my mind and cultivate the bravery I need to evolve with the changes that life can bring. Change or obstacles along the way do not need to be daunting; with the correct mindset they can be exciting adventures!
Although on Tuesday I felt much more at ease and believed I was ready to face Mr Reddy's scalpel, I was not. Life lessons and inner strength continue to reveal themselves and I have taken this week to lap them up, take notes (With colourful Biro's. Is there any other way?) and sharing my revelations through Facebook. I do that a lot, and I find that it tends to touch someone and that is so humbling and comforting to me.
I attempted some warm Organic Oat Milk today mixed with Pumpkin Purée (homemade), Vanilla Extract and All Spice. I am sure you have seen how popular Pumpkins have become and with them being so nutrient dense, I wanted a piece of that action! Well, "Ugh" the Sleeve began to shriek and protest almost immediately, in fact much of the concoction didn't make it to my stomach. I think the ulceration of my Oesophagus caused most of it to remain suspended in my chest area and come back up with the fluid the Sleeve did not want.
I am reading a very good book at the moment, The Taxidermist's Daughter. I was sold on the very first page and if you are an avid reader or just wanting a nice way to wind down from time to time, I would highly recommend it.
I love reading, I always have. There is no doubt that I get this love of devouring books from my mum, she always has a book in her hand. She would read to my twin sister and I nightly as children and she would take such care to give each character a voice and personality of their very own. My sister and I would sit together in our Jim Jams, wide eyed with excitement, ready to hear whatever would come next.
I recall reading a book called The Secret when I was 12 and that was the book that opened the door to "real books" for me; books with grit and emotion and realness. It was like chasing the dragon after that read, I wanted better and better. Books to me are like jewellery I suppose, so precious. I love to look at them on shelves, to smell, feel and turn the pages. I know Kindle Editions are far more economical but I am hooked on good old fashioned paper, board and ink.