Month 5 update and it's still going in the right direction

10.5 pound lost this month which seems to be the average at the moment, well happy with that though. I'm now just under 300 pound which is a bit of a milestone for me.
Food intake hasn't really changed and nor has the foods that I do and don't like/tolerate.
I have in the last couple of weeks developed this pain in the tailbone/coccyx which to my surprise appeared on here as a post from JO28172 and it appears that it's not uncommon for Post oppers to get this....(and there was me thinking I was unique

I think my hair might be thinning out also but then I might be being a little paranoid on that one....I'll let you know over the coming months!
fitness levels are good and I now have the energy to do all the stuff "er indoors" want's I guess there are some downsides!
till next month then.