I feel the same about mash, love it but bored of it already, I can't bear to go off it so feel I need more variety. It sounds like you are tolerating loads, I do get scared that if I don't follow the advice to the letter then I could do damage but on the other hand the thought of puréed left overs is making me want to cry and never eat again!!
Have you stopped your injections yet? My stomach is so bruised, the needle won't go through where I have stretch marks (which is most of my tummy!!!) so I am running out of room, I have 2 days left but I am active, went on a long walk today so thinking of not bothering with the last two days, some people only seem to have them for a week anyway.
I haven't dumped yet either but I am being careful about sugar, did go through a period when I had to sleep after eating, you know that feeling like after you have had a massive roast and can't keep your eyes open!!