Bit of a weirdy! XD
You've done so well Nicola! It could be hormonal? I had 3 slow weeks and then BOOM! 9lb gone after my period... Dont panic too much (she says...)
I didn't have vitamins pre op Kirsty xHey guys, I just wanted to ask you a question.. I've gotten my date, it's the 3rd of Feb! I've started pre op diet today. Milk, yoghurts and multi vits and mineral tablets. The thing is, I'm confused about the vits and mins tablets... I spoke to a pharmacist (asked for chewable so I can still use then when I've had the op) at boots earlier and he told me to take boots home brand multi vits, but not minerals...? He just kept saying "you get your minerals from water so as long as you're drinking some that will be fine" what kind did you take? I can't speak to my provider till Monday now. Thanks guys x Kirsty
Im taking Centrum Fruity Chewables. Adult multivitamin and multimineral and then an extra vitamin D tablet from Holland & Barrett. I buy the Centrum multi ones from asda - 3 packs for £10. 30 tablets per pack 1 a day with breakfast. Its what was on my sheet I was given from the hospital. I started taking them the same day as I started the milk diet Hope that helps sweet! Ill get a pic lol
I was thinking about getting those but the pharmacist insisted I had these... I'll get my mum to take me to asda tomorrow for some then, thank you flick!! Xx
Found out today the lady in the bed next to me at Addenbrookes died last week. She was taken to HDU just after midnight New Year's Day after we watched the fireworks together and joked about what a s*** new year it was!! Her last words to me were bye bye Nicola good luck! I'm so upset she originally only came in for an endoscopy!