Well done Su2ie keep going hun brill ! XThis did make me laugh because I could've written it myselfMy hubby's been away for the last few weeks so between left home alone and the constant food funerals I piled on 8lbs - good news is i've lost 6 already in 2 days of LSD
Hi Mz Kirsty if that was me i would not be able to afford that. Im nhs patient and have been given a diet sheet. How long you on pre op for?? Will it cover the days you do.? Its up to you but you can buy what you need yourself that way there is no waste. Yes buy either slim fast or i like Tesco ultra slim or Asda slim a little cheaper plus you can buy your fruits etc . But its your choice hun . All the best xAdvice please. The weightloss clinic I'm having my op with do what's know as a surgery box ... £160 For shakes soups and puréed foods for pre and post op (it works out 5 days pre and 4weeks post - but more products than I could manage ie pre op 3x shakes 2x soups and 5x fruit a day!) so I know it would last longer than that! What would you do? I can buy soups and slim fast. Or I can buy the box and take away the worry - but I'm worried I won't like them! Xx
Hi Mz Kirsty if that was me i would not be able to afford that. Im nhs patient and have been given a diet sheet. How long you on pre op for?? Will it cover the days you do.? Its up to you but you can buy what you need yourself that way there is no waste. Yes buy either slim fast or i like Tesco ultra slim or Asda slim a little cheaper plus you can buy your fruits etc . But its your choice hun . All the best x
I personaly think thats alot of money.im sure if ur brought supermarket brands it would be cheeper.but up to u. anyone know anything about ading spices I asked about in my previous message?
I think as long as u take multivitamins u shud be getting the right nurtients. when do u start ur pre op diet? x
Hello there My first posting since planning to have surgery - I'm a failed "every other diet under the sun person" and finally I'm kicking myself into doing something. Ok I'm booked for surgery FRIDAY 7th NOV ...........that is 15 days away and I'm now having the heeby jeebies. I spent last week eating for England (and Scotland, Ireland and Wales) including all the crappy stuff on the grounds I'll never eat it again - and this week I'm trying to lull my body into a smaller plate/no crisps choc just sensible food then tomorrow its full on liver reducing 800 cal a day diet. So I've eaten Chinese, McDonalds, Fish and chips and pizza and stopped that last week then the past 6 days i've been sensible eating only "proper " food and so by tomorrow its low cal time. In response to the food pack I was offered it but I've ordered 30 Slimfast ready made drinks from Boots for £30.00 as I've been told in the weeks post surgery you are taking in such small amounts its better to have screw top lids - so no discernment on what they taste like just too mean to pay the £100 odd pounds. I've also stll got quite a lot of left over VLC food packs so I'm planning on using those as well. So its countdown to surgery .....14 more sleeps .............x
hi and welcome hun . Well done on starting to cut down its hard isnt it. 14 more days and you will be on the losers bench . All the best with your journey xHello there My first posting since planning to have surgery - I'm a failed "every other diet under the sun person" and finally I'm kicking myself into doing something. Ok I'm booked for surgery FRIDAY 7th NOV ...........that is 15 days away and I'm now having the heeby jeebies. I spent last week eating for England (and Scotland, Ireland and Wales) including all the crappy stuff on the grounds I'll never eat it again - and this week I'm trying to lull my body into a smaller plate/no crisps choc just sensible food then tomorrow its full on liver reducing 800 cal a day diet. So I've eaten Chinese, McDonalds, Fish and chips and pizza and stopped that last week then the past 6 days i've been sensible eating only "proper " food and so by tomorrow its low cal time. In response to the food pack I was offered it but I've ordered 30 Slimfast ready made drinks from Boots for £30.00 as I've been told in the weeks post surgery you are taking in such small amounts its better to have screw top lids - so no discernment on what they taste like just too mean to pay the £100 odd pounds. I've also stll got quite a lot of left over VLC food packs so I'm planning on using those as well. So its countdown to surgery .....14 more sleeps .............x