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Pandora's path to slim

OMG what no Easter eggs ????
Not a problem , I never get bought them anyway lol
Behave woman !!! :D
pandora said:
I just thought I'd phone the secretary again , its been a month since last time & since I went on the list .
I havn't been dated as yet but she said keep in touch as they were doing more dating in the next couple of weeks . She also said its likely to be March / April time , same as she said last time , so I'm less disappointed by the May prospect now :)

Yay!!! That's a spark of hope!! Good luck :D it's lovely she said keep in touch too. My hospital say 'dont call, wait for letters' grrrr lol
I have only spoke to her twice , but she is polite & friendly , doesn't make you feel its too much trouble , which is lovely .
Nothing worse than being made to feel you are a nuisance xx
pandora said:
I have only spoke to her twice , but she is polite & friendly , doesn't make you feel its too much trouble , which is lovely .
Nothing worse than being made to feel you are a nuisance xx

On Tuesday was the 3rd time I have called mine. She don't like calls I think lol
Some people just don't like work lol persevere hunni xx
pandora said:
Some people just don't like work lol persevere hunni xx

Thanks chick :)

Others keep telling me she is lovely. I have to believe them. So I think I must catch her on bad days. Or she finds my voice annoying lol
I am really really getting pissed off with my slim , size 12-14 , 16 yr old moaning about being fat & needing a personal trainer & herbal diet pills , how the **** does she think I feel at size 26 ????
Wish she'd just shut up !
pandora said:
I am really really getting pissed off with my slim , size 12-14 , 16 yr old moaning about being fat & needing a personal trainer & herbal diet pills , how the **** does she think I feel at size 26 ????
Wish she'd just shut up !

Lol you think thats bad?! My friend, size 8, fake boobs, false nails, fake tan. Thinks shes fat! One day.. This is no lie... She didnt want to be bloated for her date that night. So googled the haribo diet. Went to the garage and ate a big bag of haribo (carb free didnt you know... I might be fat but i know sugar=carbs!!). (she only had yoghurt for brekkie). Que 10 mins later, cold sweats, feeling faint and shaking. Lol. Now thats annoying, stupidity and looking beautiful and size 8!! X
I see what you mean Lol that would annoy me too , its just the constant moan in my ear , I left the lounge so I didn't have to listen so she followed me to my room . When she started again I ignored het , so she left !
I think its probably a phase. I know at size 16 when i was 16 i thought i was massive. In reality size 16 isnt that bad really. I was fully grown at age 16 but my friends werent. They didnt have boobs or hips, so they were all size 8 planks of wood. So i stuck out like crazy.

Once she gets a job she can pay for a trainer, ect and the work will do her good to :)
That's it ,she moans , but on next breath wants chocolate or ice cream , doesn't want to walk anywhere , but wants a gym membership , no consistency , but apparently I'm not supportive !
I think its because there is something happening that is not centered around her !! This time its something for you and she is not happy having to take a back seat, tough! This time is for YOU Its time she gave some thought to the fact you only get one mum and your health should be important to her cos your the only one she gets, who loves her no matter what and forever.
It takes us all time to realise that fact and for some they find out to late, you are trying to be around for her future.
Loads of hugs xxxxx
I have a friend who is a size 5 and constantly complains about being fat. And... She's not supportive at all! Hopefully when your daughter sees how well you're doing, she'll be more supportive. Maybe you could even work out together! I know my friend will be so jealous if I get down to her size. I would like to find out!
I am really really getting pissed off with my slim , size 12-14 , 16 yr old moaning about being fat & needing a personal trainer & herbal diet pills , how the **** does she think I feel at size 26 ????
Wish she'd just shut up !

Exactly the same in my house hunni... Today my darling daughter told me she didnt think i needed to have the surgery ad i was fine as i was - i think that it is more to do with how they feel about us being mummsy and at home at their beck and call, being slimmer means you will be different :) xxx
I'm quite lucky that at the moment I only have a 3 year old son so couldn't care less :D but my hubby isn't really that supportive which upsets me, he says he is but he's so jealous with me as I am because I'm nice to everyone and he sees it as flirting so he's going to be ridiculess when I'm slim :( I hope your daughter gets over it ASAP! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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I'm very thankful that my kids (10&13) are very supportive. My son said, mom, don't you think it's going to be weird when you're skinny with two fat kids? LOL I thought it was funny. I told him they are going to start eating healthy with me and they are more than welcome to exercise with me too! We'll see what happens!
Thing is she's very supportive about the op & me being slim , she's excited about going shopping with me & ... get this , me going clubbing with her when she's 18 , but obv my body issues have rubbed off on her :(
Just for some reason her moaning is annoying me atm , cos she's always like it , even before surgery was mentioned.
On a different note ..... how weird is this .
Havnt had a battery for scales for a bit but got a new one now . For some reason got on scales before bed last night ( I am a morning weigher) was shocked to see 21.5.0 , thought how the hell have I put that much on , this am ....20.8.6 ! 10lbs difference