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Pandora's path to slim

pandora said:
On a different note ..... how weird is this .
Havnt had a battery for scales for a bit but got a new one now . For some reason got on scales before bed last night ( I am a morning weigher) was shocked to see 21.5.0 , thought how the hell have I put that much on , this am ....20.8.6 ! 10lbs difference

I hate scales lol. Water retention has made me gain up to 11lbs in one day before lol

I guess with your daughter she may have some skinny friends and actually feel fat. I was 6ft 2 and size 16-18 at 16. I felt like an elephant. Now I wish with all my heart I was that size. Our whole perspective changes with more life experience (and weight gain lol) x
Yes she has some sticks for friends , I say sticks cos they havnt got their female figure yet & she has .
Even if I ever got that skinny ( size 8 ) which I hope I don't , I would want to keep my curves not be straight up & down , what's feminine or sexy about looking like a stick ???? but she don't see that .
Hindsight is great eh ?
My daughter was not happy when I told her I was having surgery. She is 9. She didn't want me to lose weight and loved her fat mummy! I think kids don't like drastic change. It scares them especially in constants like mum and dad.
Also it's more likely there are parts of your teens body she hates. Have a frank chat with her about her good body bits and bad body bits. Then take her shopping and show her how to really emphasize the good body bits. It will give her lots of confidence knowing people are looking at the bits she likes.
pandora said:
Yes she has some sticks for friends , I say sticks cos they havnt got their female figure yet & she has .
Even if I ever got that skinny ( size 8 ) which I hope I don't , I would want to keep my curves not be straight up & down , what's feminine or sexy about looking like a stick ???? but she don't see that .
Hindsight is great eh ?

Hindsight is fabulous....if it metamorphasised into foresight lol

I want to keep some curves too. Give me Beyonces figure any day, and I will be a happy bunny lol
Kelly Brook would do it for me lol .
pandora said:
Kelly Brook would do it for me lol .

She has got a cracking figure. I also think Holly Willoughby has too though. She has a perfect hourglass shape, with boobies lol
Absolutely , I always say I have an hourglass figure , just with too many hours on board lol !
Yvessa said:
My daughter was not happy when I told her I was having surgery. She is 9. She didn't want me to lose weight and loved her fat mummy! I think kids don't like drastic change. It scares them especially in constants like mum and dad.
Also it's more likely there are parts of your teens body she hates. Have a frank chat with her about her good body bits and bad body bits. Then take her shopping and show her how to really emphasize the good body bits. It will give her lots of confidence knowing people are looking at the bits she likes.

My 9 year old sees me as slim lol. He never understands why I try to lose weight, bless him :)

Pandora, I say my figure is like Birmingham's Spaghetti junction...confusing curves all over the place lol x
Funny how kids perceive things , eldest says I'm not fat yet had issues herself , yet I am twice her size .
I have said if she gets a job I will go half on a gym membership for her , if she tones up I think she'll appreciate her curves more .
Meanwhile once I get paid I will plan meals better & shop weekly rather than nipping up the road every day .... its just too easy having lidl , Iceland , tesco express & sainsburys local at the top of the road :$
pandora said:
Funny how kids perceive things , eldest says I'm not fat yet had issues herself , yet I am twice her size .
I have said if she gets a job I will go half on a gym membership for her , if she tones up I think she'll appreciate her curves more .
Meanwhile once I get paid I will plan meals better & shop weekly rather than nipping up the road every day .... its just too easy having lidl , Iceland , tesco express & sainsburys local at the top of the road :$

I would be the same if I had supermarkets so near. I am a 10 mon walk from central Birmingham. So no supermarkets near by. Just expensive express shops in town.

I am going to try one of these new no contract gyms. They are suppose to be pretty good :)
It's amazing what you can concoct when saving money , tonight I am having couscous with some mixed seeds & pine nuts , favoured with enchiladas spices ...... I hope it tastes ok lol !
Mmmm very tasty , though I put a bit too much spice in oops
pandora said:
Mmmm very tasty , though I put a bit too much spice in oops

I am the queen of doing that! Lol. I think I black out and tip too much in lol
As the girls , esp the eldest , don't like really spicy stuff when I buy these kit things I always end up with half a pack of spice left , been wondering how to use them up lol
Down 0.4lbs this am , have upped the water intake as I'm awful at drinking . Managed 3/4 litre yesterday , not great but better than usual . I often only have a couple of cups of tea.
Today I've had 3/4 litre already & doesn't the loo know lol . Will try for the same this afternoon .
yep that is one downside to diets you make very good frends with the loo :D
Also seems that increasing fluids is giving me a headache , usually dehydration = headache :(
Well I managed my 1.5 litres today , mind you that's all I have drunk , no tea or milk .
Feeling all full now , again making dinners out of weird combo's from the cupboard , today it was rice , baked beans & sausages .... actually quite tasty. There was some rice & beans left so I shall mix some Mexican spices into it tomorrow for lunch .
Letting dinner go down , then off for a swim .
Just in from my swim , managed 46 lengths this time , gradually increasing each week . Am aiming to go twice next week . Even though I am not feeling any fitter , its got to be doing some good .
You are improving, less breaks and faster :)