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Pandora's path to slim

Hi too much water can also have the same effect as dehydration. monitor it so then you can work out the best total intake for you. everyone is different on how much fluid their body can cope with, personally if I drink less than three and a half litres I become dehydrated. hope it works out ok for you take care and best wishes xx
20.7.6 this morning , the water increase must be helping :D , so i shall continue .
OMG all sorts of emotions rolling around my head at the moment . Yes I have my date , a very short 6 weeks away , panic panic , so much to sort out . The house needs a good clean , buy the bits I need , sort food stuffs etc . Think I need to get my organisation head on & soon !!!!
pandora said:
OMG all sorts of emotions rolling around my head at the moment . Yes I have my date , a very short 6 weeks away , panic panic , so much to sort out . The house needs a good clean , buy the bits I need , sort food stuffs etc . Think I need to get my organisation head on & soon !!!!

Congratulations!!!!! I can see why you would panic, but all will be on order! :) Good luck! X
Thanks hunni , hope to be saying similar to you VERY soon xx
It's still sinking in , I kept waking in the night thing March 9th !
I'm also asking myself all the questions
Do I really need this ?
Do I really want this ?
Can I try do it alone again ?
How am I going to be ready in time ?
Blah blah blah
Of course I know the answers , but I still ask them !!!!!
pandora said:
Thanks hunni , hope to be saying similar to you VERY soon xx

Thanks chick :D

I would be waking up all night like you too lol.
pandora said:
It's still sinking in , I kept waking in the night thing March 9th !
I'm also asking myself all the questions
Do I really need this ?
Do I really want this ?
Can I try do it alone again ?
How am I going to be ready in time ?
Blah blah blah
Of course I know the answers , but I still ask them !!!!!

It's normal to freak out. I did the same thing... But it's going to be so worth it!
Have decided I am going to gave a " farewell to junk food " dinner with friends . We have a restaurant called georgie porgies , its an all you can. eat place , with Italian , Indian , Chinese , Thai etc , so rather than saying bye to them all individually I can do it all in one go :)
Just need to arrange a time now that we can all do !!!
Wish i could come but i start my milk diet Weds :(
pandora said:
Have decided I am going to gave a " farewell to junk food " dinner with friends . We have a restaurant called georgie porgies , its an all you can. eat place , with Italian , Indian , Chinese , Thai etc , so rather than saying bye to them all individually I can do it all in one go :)
Just need to arrange a time now that we can all do !!!

I ate like crazy a couple days before preop. I liked what someone else here said...I had my food funerals... LOL. Some of it I'll probably eat again, but not for awhile. Excited for you that your date is soon! It will be here before you know it!
I might go have Chinese with Dawn on tues as her last meal lol
that sounds like a great idea hope you have a fab time. all will be well and ready in time. relax take care and best wishes
Just been over to see mum & dad & put a few plans in place .
The girls will stay at mums the weekend I am in for , so they will go there on the Thursday , means I will be home alone the night before the op , but there isn't another way . I'll stay at mums till its almost bed time , then when I'm asleep it will be no different.
Dad will then take me to the hospital in the morning while mum oversees the girls getting to school . It's only a 7 or 8 min drive from mine to hospital , to be there at 7.15 .
Have also changed my mind about georgie porgies , although it is all different foods , its not same quality as a proper Indian or Chinese , so thinking will go to a Chinese restaurant for meal & prob have an Asda Indian one eve & pizza another .
Once I have been paid ( tues ) I will enter into planning mode , lists , time plans etc , then it starts getting real , atm it feels like its happening to someone else !