update from appointments today, nurse is happy with weight progress even with yesterdays weight gain and ulcer on leg is in stasis the area has sloughed over i.e. dead layer over the ulcer inhibiting healing booked in for a chemical debridement next week that will be sore as it is basically taking sandpaper to the ulcer at least i will have some local anaesthetic while it is done . Appointment with doc was good and not so good, old age has caught up with me i have been diagnosed with enlarged prostate which has been causing the frequent night visits to the bathroom have been prescribed Tamsulosin . The kidney stone still hasn't moved which in someways is ok as i am in no pain or very little pain but not good as it means that the kidneys are being damaged. i still have not received a urology appointment doctor is chasing up as i have a stuck kidney stone but on bright side i still have no signs of infection, but the doctor did tell me today that it was a very nasty strain worse than E coli which is the normal culprit and to be on guard as it has a habit of returning as it very resistant to antibiotics. still waiting for my weight loss surgery date.