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post op band help please

Can't say it's normal....But only you knows what you're putting in...?
Darrin ... As Jo said, what are you eating, how much are you eating, what exercise/activity are you doing? It's difficult to make comment without having more detail ... Do you want to share and we can look to give you some pointers based on our experience ... X
Ok so I've still been on soft stuff mainly because I got my first fill at 4weeks then back onto liquids & soft food. I can eat anything & portion wise it's like nothing has changed. Today I shall be starting crunchy stuff that doesn't slip through as readily. The nurse said most people gain when they are eating normally again until they get restriction. I thought that was 2-3lb. I shall start keeping a diary of everything from here on in. I must say I'd been working nights & often gain & that's why I was 4lb lighter later in the day. Exercise hasn't been good either so thanks for the nudge.
Darrin, please dont take this the wrong way, as its my personal thoughts, and aimed at banders in general.

Don't shoot me BUT you can either choose to listen to what your nurse says about waiting for restriction to kick in whilst eating "normally" .... Which to a lot of people, means eating the same things as they used to, which got them overweight in the first place. OR you can choose to take control of your choices now, and give that band a helping hand, by getting into good habits that you will follow for the rest of your life sooner rather than later. Waiting for restriction to kick in is often an excuse to be able to eat too much of the wrong things or something to blame when the weight loss is slow or doesnt happen. Eat band friendly food in smaller portions, focus on plenty of protein, veggies then carbs last, increase activity and drink more water. The banders who have taken control, from reading on this forum, are the ones who the band seems to work best for. I am not saying its easy, because its not, however its empowering when we decide to take control, rather than wait for that gift to be given to us. You appreciate more/and care for it more, when you work for something, don't you? :rolleyes:
Well said Michelle and glad you've taken it positively darrin. Waiting for restriction can lose you in some cases upto 6mths, why wait?!
Small plates, and cut the carbs....afraid I can't commend you on choosing a bag of ryvita...check carb content I bet it's pretty steep? Lets just say I lost weight by not letting my carbs go above 70g a day..but then also ensured I ate a min of 70g protein daily...i went tough, but it secured my magic number 3 losses each week (lbs off) and got me to goal quick :) now I can relax x
again sound advice. I can low carb high protein no problem. I don't know why I thought waiting waiting for restriction was the answer? Thanks for the advice it has motivated me & fish it is today. x
I started out at 15s3oz pre op diet with raised cholesterol, back & hip pain & poor family history (used to be 110kg but was gaining again). Post op dropped to 13 st13. So up 6LB. one pound off b4 Monday means it's still a stone in 5 weeks so off for a jog I go. x
3 mile jog done. now having a salmon fillet with some (3) pickled gherkins. then it's back to bed for the rest of my sleep x not sure if I'm imagining it but feel fuller with the gherkins.
Well done! That's the spirit
I have a question. I've been eating normal pre op sized portions I was just wondering if you feel the band better eating less? perhaps I'm looking for the wrong sensation and expecting it to be like before?
In reality you prob won't feel much diff until restriction is tighter. I didn't fully understand until my 3rd fill which put me at 7ml. All I know is I only ever ate off a side plate from day1 post op, as wanted to kickstart it all. You just get used to not feel full..stuffed...bloated..lethargic etc! Overtime as restriction kicks in you will start to struggle at points in clearing your side plate!
It is strange to know what the right feeling is, and maybe its different for all of us. For me its the satisfaction of actually not wanting to eat till I feel stuffed anymore. The smaller plate portion size just makes me stop before I get that stuffed feeling ... But if you were to ask me do I actually feel full at the point in time that i stop eating I would probably say no (because I often eat a tad too quickly still) but five to ten minutes after I stop eating, I definitely feel satisfied and not want to eat any more .... :rolleyes:

Here's to dropping those pounds darrin :D
I watched myself last night. I had fish pie for dinner (home made no topping) & I took my 5 portions of fruit to work to eat too. I ate one piece of fruit at a time at reasonably regular intervals. I know my calorie intake was less yesterday & protein was higher. I had 1 slice of toast this morning because my tummy was rumbling & everyone else was having 2.
I have just weighed myself 14st4.
I need to stop grazing & stick to meal times.
14st4 ... Heading in the right direction again darrin :) you are right about trying to not snack so often ... But in the scheme of things, a piece of fruit's far better than a bag of crisps, handful of sweets or a few biscuits ;) well done x
I have to say that it's like learning all the basic stuff about how to eat all over again & let's face it I should be an expert by now all the diets I have done. I am going to invest in some chopsticks too. I did this over 20 years ago and lost a huge amount & was the lowest weight of my adult life. I had a small bowl that my fist could fit and used chopsticks to eat slowly. obviously, it took me longer (probably 20 mins to eat what was in there) but it worked. I am still eating too fast and because I can, large bites. I noticed I'd eaten a pear in 3 bites last night?
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I'm getting a child's dinner plate, as to limit portion size, I think that's going to help a lot till the restriction is there that I need x
It is tougher than you think isn't it? I think you struggle through the pre op liquid liver shrinking diet knowing that the band is next, then that rotten wind pain drives you to distraction but it's tolerable because you can't eat & feel in control. Next comes that slop stage but now the hunger is back and it's mince pie/cheap chocolate/crisp & cake world all of a sudden. Still at least the wind pain has gone ;)
I didn't have any luck with finding chopsticks but had a lovely salmon salad with chicory tomato & balsamic vinegar on a side plate. later in the evening I had some turkey (it's for tomorrow really but it was warm and irresistible) & whilst resisting a home made puff pastry mince pie my resolve went to pot and blue ribbon got the better of me! still well under 1000 calories today. oh also had a Clementine. No run today but finished nights and been on the go since 1pm. Days tomorrow I hate changing from nights to days as usually feel tired from lunchtime til bedtime & that usually is an over eating trigger for me. x