Well almost a year later, and here I am lol so thought id give you a little update on me!
Maintaing weight very well - had an absolutey awful year, thought this year would be my year, but mum was sadly diagnosed with breast ca thats spread (but treatable) so really wanted to put off any surgery till she was better, but mum was determined i was having my surgery!
Took ages to get all my appointments through, and when I turned up for one of them, they had cancelled it and were happy to make me wait nearly 12 weeks for the same appointment so I stamped my feet lol and got one for the next day!
Met dr woodcock on the 8th november and got given a surgical date for the 17th december 2012! VERY VERY excited
I'd be lying if I said I wasnt a wee bit nervous about the GA, but I know im in good hands!
I went in to this determined a bypass wasnt for me and I wanted a band, but because of all the medical complications ive run into this year (becoming diabetic etc) im going in for a bypass!