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SRH cancled my appointment

hmmm god how beeepin annoying!!!, i hope they csn gove you answers monday sweets, have u met wl target etc?.. i wonder if there delaying 3rd appointment paitents if theres a back log on surgery dates, and once there worked through the list will flow again?.........

My target was 8lb loss, I have up to now lost 22lb! Im just terrified as this is the point it usually starts coming back on with avengence!! xxx:eek:
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o noo, well maybe aswell as speaking to the secretary, speak to kim aswell? or valerie?... and explain your fears, i mean talk about a joke, they know the majority of wls paitents can lose weight its the maintaining well why on earth would they make us wait longer for acceptance onto the surgery list prolonging the chance of a weight gain??... grrrr.... im so sorry hun xx
I'm probably the last person to want to stand up for SRH, but this isn't deliberate on their parts, I'm sure. The fact is, they're simply massively over-subscribed and demand is far outstripping supply. I know it's easy for me to say, having had my surgery, but I too had to cope with the same situation.

It's such a pain, but it's simply logistics I'm afraid.

and remember, even when you get on the waiting list, you STILL have to maintain your weight loss. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

It's just so very hard, right up until you have your surgery.
Hang on in there ladies. You'll get there.
Hi Lousie and Kellie,
i too am with Sunderland and was very excited about having my first appointment date for the 4th Feb but reading what has happened to you both has disheartened me a little. They shouldnt be able to mess with peoples lives like that. especially when people will have had to arrange leave from work, childcare ect to go into hospital then this happens.
Well i hoep you both get new appointment dates through soon, let us know when you do.
big hugs to you both x
i was 18,13 when i last went there and im now 18,4 so i wanna get into the 17's then whatever ill lose on milk will help massively to! x
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hi i too had appointments cancelled ,it was one then the next ,but i rang as sort of said i was willing to take any appointment at a drop of a hat ,,i waited 18 months for my op..gastric bypass done by mr small on the 4th jan 2011 ..but i kept ringing ,then i rang in november saying i trying to sort holiday for 2011 for family wedding (lie) and she told me i would be done by end of jan 2011 ,,low and behold just 2 weeks after that she rang out the blue with op dates ,,so keep in touch with them and ask for update on your op too ..good luck and the rate they were doing them at srh i was wondering how i was waiting so long ..
it seems so many people got the letter on saturday my friend who should be a month ahead of me, she had her seminar sept 2009 still hasnt had her 3rd appointment because they keep cancelling - she was cancelled for the fourth time on saturday. i can see the hope just draining away from her as she knows she still needs third appointment, endoscopy and then a 6 month wait. looks like she wil be waiting nearly 2 and half years from seminar to op - and she works for the hospital which makes things worse !!!!!

keep your chins up, sunderland are slow but we all get there in the end - so i keep telling myself.
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Hi kellie,
Any news from SRH yet ? you deserve a proper explanation from them as to why this is happening and don't settle for less.
lol jen
Chris thats terrible , is their no-one she can complain too ? I had my bypass in November at SRH i waited 18 months from when i first went to see my gp i also had my 3rd appointment cancelled and waited 8 wks for another , im still waiting for my six week check up appointment to arrive its about six weeks late already !! hope everyone gets sorted out xxx
Hi Lea,
I am just 1 week behind you, I have my appointment with the bariatric team on 10th feb but reading the posts from other SRH members over their surgeon appointments just dosn't instill with faith in the process.
We are at the early stages of our journey and need to keep focused on the changes that we will need to make to our lives and so must use this time to prepare ourselves ,,, we will get there in the end.
Hi, I was put on the list on 21st Dec and was told by Dr Balapuri that it would be 3-4 months, I rang the hospital last week and spoke to Mr Small's secretary to see if there was any cancellations and she said I won't get an appointment for 6 months from when I was put on the list. I told he that Dr Balapuri had said 3-4 but she said they are really struggling so it will be the full 6 months. I had my original seminar in September 2009 and I booked a holiday to Disney World Florida for August this year thinking I would have had my operation months before and I would be considerably lighter and a lot fitter by the time we go but I'm panicking now, so I know how you both feel, Karen x
Hi kellie,
Any news from SRH yet ? you deserve a proper explanation from them as to why this is happening and don't settle for less.
lol jen
I rang today and to be honest the secretary was very unsympathetic and told me that Mr. Small had cancelled the clinic and that was that!! I replied that everytime he 'cancels' a clinic, it is the one I am ment to attend but all i was told was to wait. I asked if there was any idea when i would get another appointment but again to no avail...at least when they cancelled the last 2 they were re-sheduled within the cancellation letter, where as this latest one has no iclination at all (they will be in touch)! Not even a date to re-adjust to? I think it is very sad and some what sadistic!! xx:mad:
I rang today and to be honest the secretary was very unsympathetic and told me that Mr. Small had cancelled the clinic and that was that!! I replied that everytime he 'cancels' a clinic, it is the one I am ment to attend but all i was told was to wait. I asked if there was any idea when i would get another appointment but again to no avail...at least when they cancelled the last 2 they were re-sheduled within the cancellation letter, where as this latest one has no iclination at all (they will be in touch)! Not even a date to re-adjust to? I think it is very sad and some what sadistic!! xx:mad:

i had the same response Kellie, doesnt help us at all
i hate feeling like this its driving mr crazy i prayed i would win the lotto and get it done at washington, well i did win but only a tenner haha xx
:wave_cry::wave_cry::wave_cry: I believe that Mr Small is the surgeon at Washington Spire Louise ,, put forward the tenner idea you never know he might be a bit hard up after Christmas
Awww it does seem very cruel when they keep cancelling appointments, I had it happen to me too so I know how you all feel! I hope you all get your appointments sorted out a.s.a.p :D XX