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The Banders Saturday Weigh In

Well done chopster, mazza and sarah!
Great losses ladies! Jealous, jealous, jealous! Xx
Hi all

Another weekly weigh in and still no weight loss, don't get me wrong I am not majorly upset or anything just a bit miffed/confused.com why I cant seem too shift any of the last 12lbs, I even changed the types of foods I was eating to see if it would shift some but alas it hasn't and also been more active this week and always,always drink plenty of fluids. Oh well I dunno wots happening and I definately do not need another fill my restriction is excellent.
Aww Julie I'm exactly the same this week sts and I am miffed!!
I've gone from sloppies to harder food, eating way less than ever before, drinking as much as I can and exercising. I'm being told at work by lots of people I look slimmer so why doesn't the scales see that too?
Oh well another week another chance to shift it.

Good luck everyone xxx
Sometimes the body takes a while to catch up with things when you make changes so Rache and Julie it may be a different story next week. You are both doing really well. Keep going!

tranquil x
wow some amazing losses.

sarah, melly chops and mazza well done on ur losses!!

rache and bluediamond stalls are not fun esp when u are working really hard but u know it will be showing in other ways and/or will show on the scales in its own time.

im signing in with a 3lbs loss...am now 13st 12lbs in the morning! yay....in the 13s.
Morning everyone - some good losses there - and to the STS - think how much better that is than gaining. Our bodies are so unpredictable - they never respond the way we expect them to.

I've lost 2lb this week - which is good as I have been making bad food choices. This is because my band is too tight and I can't keep proper food down. I have an appointment for a defill on 9th June.
Brilliant losses, really inspiring...well done everyone x
TY for your replies, I am hoping its gonna get moving again soon as I don't think I have had any weight loss for about 1 month now, I know I haven't got far to go to goal but even if I lost 2lbs a fortnight would motivate me, but alas it isn't meant too be I guess.
well guys, i have walked 3 4mile trots this week. i have myself restricted to no more than 1300 calories, i use my fitness pal on my mobile and record everything i eat...well i weighed at Boots this morning and have 1lb ON. deflated or what! i was gutted, but its given me more determination to lose it for next week. i am restricting myself to 1000 calories to see how it goes.... :(
Maura your body is still getting over the op. Do not get despondent and good on you for going for it next week. It is really hard before you have the first fill. Keep going.

tranquil x