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The great band journey

Oh that's ok then Zobo, was just worried that maybe something had gone a little wrong during surgery and that's why I've been in so much pain! But I am feeling a lot better today and even got out for an hour today!
So 6 days post op and 3lb down... That's 20lb so far :-D
Am still quite swollen so hoping there is more to come this week..
Thanks! I can't believe I have lost 20lb since starting my pre op! Should be above 1 1/2 stone by next weigh day!
I have only got 4 scars!! Oh wait a minute here.....have they short changed me??? Lol

I had a band, GYN stuff, separation of adhesions from a previous surgery and a repair to my liver which the surgeon nicked.....not bad to only have 4 incisions then

It's a kind of 'pea and ham soup from a chicken' moment
Wow you went all in didn't you Kirsty!
Feeling thinner this week so hoping for a good loss on Monday, am into some size 16 bits too so feeling pretty pleased with that, have had 2 people comment this week that I look thinner so that's nice :)
Woo hoo
Another 4 off, that's 24lb since the start!! So have reached my first goal 2 weeks early, my next goal is 1/2 stone by 11th March which is my first fill date :)
Omg!!! Your doing amazing! So so pleased for you! Xxx xxx
It's getting harder, the swelling has gone down so appetite is back :-( but if I can just keep it going as long as I can then hopefully when I get to my fill it'll make things a bit easier. How's your restriction?
So today I took the kids snow tubing, which is in effect sitting in a big rubber ring and sliding down a ski slope, when we got there I had only paid for the kids, but it was just us so the instructor said myself and hubby could join in too! Now normally I would have declined, but I did it! Not only did I fit in ok, i didn't get wedged in! I could get out quite comfortably! This is what my weight loss is for, more days joining in!!
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Well feeling completely crap now :-(
Bought a new set of scales as ours have been playing up for a while, they make me 10lb heavier than the old ones!
I feel completely devastated! I've worked so hard and was on my way down through the 12s now I'm back in the 13s again. That's another 10lb to lose until goal :-(
Hubby doesn't get it, thinks I'm being silly, but i've worked so hard!
Now have to adjust my starting weight and stuff as I guess I've always been 10lb heavier :-( at least I hope I've really lost all that weight!!