Thank you everyone for you kind words of empathy and support

It is really frustrating. I mean I can find the port easy enough. It was even sticking out last week when I woke up on my left side, which I think I mentioned in a few threads last week too. And on Saturday I was lying in bed on my back and it was really sicking out. I said to my husband feel that, do you feel it, he said can I feel it? I can see it. So when the nurse (as lovely, sweet and kind as she was) started pushing and pushing to find it, she kept saying its on its side and she could not find the top to inject in though she did try. Poor woman was even on her knees as I told her it protrudes more when I lie on my left side, but nothing after several attempts.
Then they got the consultant bariatric nurse to have a go and nothing. They said my scar tissue was really thick and my port was really deep. At the time I was just to blind sided and upset to go into it with them that scar tissue does not protrude in a circle but... what could I say? Nothing was going to make me have a fill that day and after being injected at least 8 times it could have been more, I just wanted to go home.
They said I will have to go to Kent to get an xray fill. I asked has the port flipped and the consultant said no no just some peoples are deeper than others. But I cannot believe that as even when we came home I went upstairs to put my PJs on and lay down on the bed and both myself and my husband felt it and saw it protruding again? It is a mystery to me.
We spend an hour both ways driving to the clinic, spent money on deseil, my husband took a day off work, we waited 45 minutes past my appointment, and now we have to wait to be called for an appointment, more driving hence more desiel, another day off work and my little boy is disabled and we have to find care for him that day too. It is such a big hassle and I should not have to go through all this just to get a fill.
I do not know why my surgeon put my port directly under my scar and I do not know why my scar is taking so long to heal. Both nurses when they saw it said oh that looks angry, thats not healing very well. But how do I know how it is supposed to look or how well it is supposed to have healed in 5 weeks? I have nothing to compare it too.
I am waiting for a call this morning but feel really dejected about what happens when it comes to my next fill? They are not going to give me an xray everytime and I do not intent to be used as a pin cushion every time with a hit and miss rate above the 3 attempts I was told they try.
What can I do though other than let all this happen? I have no control, its not like I can fill it myself.
Oh and that is another thing when the second consultant came in and had a go she said she was not going to try further as they only attempt 3 times, but the other lady tried at least 7 times and the consultant did 2 times, because they do not want to risk the needle piercing the tube. So NOW I have that worry about the tube having been pierced on top of everything else. I know it was at least 8 as I have 8 red marks on my skin from being injected but I am sure a few were in the scar too.
I am left feeling I should not have to go through this, I should have had my fill and my appointment for my next, I have a little boy who is disabled and enough on my plate, THG should have an xray machine at every clinic they have should such things arrise. It was all so matter of fact for them but I am sorry its not matter of fact for me. This is my body and my life and I feel at the moment both are not in my control.
I have to say both nurses were really lovely though, the first tried on my back, standing, on my side, legs down, legs in the air.... I have seem people have fills on Youtube and its, a wee feel about, needle in, water in, needle out, done! Oh is that it? That was so easy...