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The three musketeers - final push to a healthy weight

Todays food not been too bad if a little bonkers when I got it down me

Protein shake with 1 litre iced water x 2
Protein shake with 1/2pt milk and rest iced water
Total yoghurt 150g with 1/2 pack extra lite philly, lemon juice and splenda
Jersey royals 225g, chicken breast 90g, spring onions and mushrooms

Might have another yoghurt before bed

Bee: The PCT are the contractors with us as GP practices. Today someone thought they would ring me and tell me a few 'problems' they had found with my practice. Pity I wrote the handbook they were quoting from so I know it inside and out and greater pity they hadn't got our reference number right so they were quoting problems from a different practice but were they going to say they were wrong...you bet they weren't. I lost my rag haven';t done that in years. Had an apology now from higher up but still annoyed. Luckily I didn't eat my leg I felt like it

wow how fab is the weather!!!!

Brekkie-alpen and skimmed milk

Lunch-cheese,carrot,sultanas and spring onions

Dinner-bbq, had chicken breast, a sausage,greek salad and coleslaw mmmmm felt like a feast!!

x2 ice lollies x2 skinny lattes
ahhhhhh right m! people so rarely want to admit they are wrong eh!
glad your day of food was okay!

well I have just had my breakfast/lunch all rolled into one... tut

I had:
coffee x3 (90 cals)

Salad with pork and 13g of cheese. (230cals)
home made banana and blueberry breakfast muffin (smallest of the batch, only about 202 cals)

So i should have had that as 2 seperate meals, but im rubbish and didnt boo..

another coffee (30cals)
another muffin, tut tut... well atleast they are low in cals and fat (202cals)

Coffee x2 (60cals)

Muller bio yogurt. (161 cals)

1 slice of tesco finest pizza & salad (300 cals)
1 sugar free choc and 3 starburst (160 cals)

1435 cals for the day

So that was my day... why can't i stick to 3 normal meals :'( i seem to do nothing but snack all day!

SCRAP THAT! just stuffed my face with sugar free choccies :( argh why do i do this to myself. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Do you know Bee I sometimes think we do it becasue we can. After a year of mini meals and often not exactly what you want, suddenly a 'normal' element kicks in and you can eat more and different or you get bored with it all and eat round it. Either way we need to get it stopped ..........you first...always like to be polite!!

Only joking here comes another day of trying for me, a pot of black decaff almost down. Good luck everyone.

lol m!
i think your right, its cos we can.

My dietician is reelly happy with what im doing on the whole, and has told me i can eat as much fruit as i want, so this should stop me going mad and eating naughty stuff, i much prefer fruit tbh!

fingers crossed eh

Better day today and less stressed after phone call from Afghanistan.

Breakfast - 1 slice toast with mashed banana (oh how I have missed you)
Lunch - Thai green curry with prawns and noodles (whole meal for one)
Dinner - Steak (small amount, it filled me up big time)
snack - 2 glasses wine, 6 mint humbugs, 2 slices of cake (I have now thrown the cake away)
It must have been one of those days yesterday Gill lets hope today is better. So here comes my confession

decaff coffee black 1.5pts
Protein shake with 1 litre iced water
Praw and rocket sandwich (ooops not low fat)
Whole box through the afternoon of bite sized choc swiss rolls)
3 slices wholmeal bread , lite spread and NAS jam
Raspberries and pineapple with natural yoghurt
3 ryvitas and lite spread, sliced cheese andham
Protein shake with 1 litre iced water

There was food at work ...there always is for meetings on Thursday there were lite sandwiches and fruit so why the heck did I not choose them?? I grazed on the swiss rolls. Then home late quick tea just because I didn't think or want to stand and cook. Not even hungry later but fancied something else.

Right ladies lets restart today. I have had all my confirmation from the hospital for the op I want it I need it so for gawd's sake get going M!!

Back later

I'm with you M. Let's stop messing about and just go that final distance. I've only got ten pounds to lose and you have got SO MUCH riding on this. At least we're being honest about what we're eating but now we've got to do something about it. Even one small change can make a difference. Can you increase your exercise?

I'm going to walk round the village this morning (about 3 miles). DONE
I'm going to eat 3 meals today DONE
I'm going to snack on grapes on my night duty DONE (plus tiny bit of cake
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I am going to eat more startch with my meals to fill me up
I am going to go for a walk with my OH this weekend
I will not snack on sweets and goodies, but fruit today and this weeked.

The first one is one that my dietician has asked me to do.

Well Ive had a fairly good week, but today has been poor.

3/4 of a slice of toast
a jam doughnut (hangs head in shame - someone brought them into work)
1/2 a jacket potato with about 2 spoons of chilli
a 2 finger kitkat

Yes, yes I KNOW.... Im not helping myself, and eating this kind of food will not help me to my target weight. Ive no excuse either except pure laziness and not saying no.

Not decided what to have for tea yet... not hungry at all. Surprise surprise.
No head hanging we're human there I'm trying to be positive with myself and everyone else.

Food today

Protein shake with 1 litre iced water
Ham and mustard sandwich (lite version I missed yesterday no less)
6 mini eggs......not a good find from yesterday
Slice of carrot cake ...someone's birthday
Salmon, jersey royals, large mixed salad with home made yoghurt dressing
Rhubarb with natural yog, splenda and lemon juice
Will have a protein shake later

Not too bad a day, originally I thought it was but when I added it up it ended around 1450cals apart from the cake which couldn't count as it didn't come with a sticker!!!. Just got to get a bit more of a grip.

Seen the surgeon in passing today and he asked me to fill in my anaesthetic forms ready to send to the hospital. I told him I was trying to get another 18lbs off and he wanted to know what for? In his opinion it won't harm but he felt I was being much too harsh on myself. He is he says unable to gauge how much skin but after 240lbs gone and judging by the state of me he reckons maybe 2 stones. This does make me less anxious re the actual losses then but still concerned re the need to regain control and eat properly. Going to be facing 2 massively long surgeries so need to be fit.

Gill: tomorrow I am tentatively tip toeing onto the treadmill again as my knees seem a bit better, just need to see how that goes.

Good luck everyone its the challenge of the weekend again.

Scales have been kind to me this week and am back in the 12's now at 12st 12lb. Determined not to let them slip upwards again this time. Have a busy day today so not too much opportunity to think about food which always helps.

I'm thinking about the 5day pouch test to give my loss a boost. Need to do a search on the site to find the link. Have any of you tried it?

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend x
Morning M, that sounds very positive doesn't it? Two stone of excess skin!!! But it's the getting things under control thing, isn't it?! Mine is not so much my weight anymore, it's being able to count on myself to do the right thing.

Bypass Bee, I've looked at your pictures, you really are a pretty girl. You've got such delicate features. How did you do with your pledges today?

Sam, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Today is another day, onward and upward.

Me: Just got in from my first of three night shifts so I have been awake for 29 hours, that means 29 hours in which to eat. So far I have been mostly eating:
Breakfast yesterday : toast and nana
Lunch : banana, yoghurt, pear
Dinner: chicken in mushroom and cheese sauce with 6 chips
midnight meal : pot noodle (left most of it)
4 am snack : small piece chocolate brownie, pear, grapes
8 am meal : leftover steak approx 100grams

No idea what the calorie value for that lot is, but my choices weren't too bad, plus I went for my walk. I am now totally zonked and off to bed, nightie night!
Dinner :
Well today is off to a bright start I feel much like me. Felt like eggs for breakfast so had 2 x boiled and 2 slices toast. Other than that no firm plans but there will be a drink tonight.

that is so nice of you to say gill! that made me smile thank you so much.
I keep meaning to put up my wedding pics, i promise i will get round to it.

My pleges are in flow today.. well sorta... i will do a food update at the end of the day.

I have never been told i have delecate features before... i keep getting told i look like my mum! and my mum keeps telling me i look more jewish these days.. lol

either way, i look a million times bloody better than i did this time last year, and im not going out in the sun in a big black hoody hiding myself!

M, thats good news from your surgeon, must have put your mind at ease. I know it helped me when i showed my dr my belly and she said there was at least a couple kilo there alone, never mind my legs, which are now quite saggy.
She is writing to some big boss dr guy for my area as neither of use can find guidlines for the highlands for surgery post weight loss, as there are none as such... or something, either way she is being super helpful, and its nice when you get good news eh :)

Gill, good work on the walk and the choices food wise seem good too

hope everyone is getting a long good today!


Todays noms:
A pear.
1/3 skinny poppyseed muffin
scoop of icecream
1 beef sausage and some risotto
mars icecream bar (not actually that many cals!)

so uuuhhhh not a great day.. but not awful?! or am i kidding myself?

Now m'dear bee I think you know the answer to that one. Calories no not bad but nutrition no way hose. Better luck tomorrow.

Me - today - not so bad. I have stuck to what I had in mind healthy food with some wine 1/2 glass and about 3/4 of a brandy and lemonade ans sadly a box of wine gums. BUT - and here is the M logic - on Saturdays I have always had treats prior to dieting and even on WW usually by the bucketload at least a bottle of wine and 3 family size bags of sweets plus unhealthy takeaway food. So in reality I feel that accomodating them is best and they were not too bad apart from the wine gums will try to ditch them next week.

Food then:
2 hard boiled eggs with toast and lite spread
protein shake with 1 litre iced water
Chicken salad with 2 jersey royals and curried yoghurt dressing
Wine gums, wine and brandy as above
1/2 jacket spud with tuna, coleslaw and sweetcorn
Raspberries, blueberries and natural yoghurt with lemon juice and splenda

Might have another shake later

thats me not a good day but not as bad as it could be

Ive had one of those days when pouchy is firmly in charge and have not managed much at all - although the food choices could have maybe been better.

Breakfast - 3/4 of a pain au raisin
Lunch - just under half of a chicken salad sandwich
Tea - 1 slice of pizza. in an effort to justify the poor choice can I say it was an M&S pizza, not a big fat domino's pizza or anything
Snacks 2 rich tea fingers.
have drunk lots of coffee and NAS squash throughout the day, but no effort with fruit, veg or actually with anything healthy!
Well everyone, the end of term report is ...... good effort, but could do better, hehe!

Sam, how did you get on with the Run for Life, did I miss the blow by blow account?

Still on nights, yesterday I have been mostly eating:

Breakfast (3pm) fruit
Lunch (6pm) piece of turkey
Meal (midnight) turkey salad
Meal (8am) 2 pieces toast, 2 pieces bacon

snacks : grapes, 2 shortbread biscuits, 7 mint humbugs, diet coke

I think this was OK, I'm sure I ate more than this but I can't remember.

got to go to bed now, to catch the England game this afternoon. Nightie night, be good.