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The three musketeers - final push to a healthy weight

Well here is a bright new day ready for M to mess up. No not really it just feels like that sometimes. However Sam you struck a chord with mentioning the 5 day pouch test, I've done it before and it really helped me so found it and will start tomorrow as 2 boiled eggs and toast already inside me!! Posted the first 2 days below just in case anyone fancies joining in.

Days 1 & 2: Liquid Protein
low-carb protein shakes, broth, clear or cream soups, sugar-free gelatin and pudding.The first two days are all liquids. You can have as many low-carb protein shakes as you like to satisfy hunger or cravings. In addition drink at least six 8-ounce glasses of water each day. The purpose of all liquids is to break any snacking, grazing or processed carbohydrate habits. In addition the liquids will work to cleanse your system and prepare you for the following three days.
Try to reduce your caffeine intake as well, but do not stop caffeine cold turkey or you will feel sick and frustrated potentially losing the desire to continue with the pouch test.

There its only 5 days and food reappears on Day 3.

Morning all. What a beautiful day it is. Its gonna be a scorcher today.

Gilla, race for life was last weekend. I completed in 51 minutes with Terri (tesmaralda) and it was a run/walk/run effort. I am making a promise to myself now that I will run the entire distance next year.

M, I was thinking of starting 5DPT tomorrow as well. I really have to kick this carb dependency in to touch. I know the idea of the test is to feel restriction again, and thats not really my problem - I do feel restriction if I eat the right foods, I just constantly make bad choices and eat rubbish that is going to slide right through.

So Im going to ease up on myself a little today, as Im at a football BBQ this afternoon so will no doubt have a drink or two, and then tomorrow its 5DPT for me.
well, today we went to visit my oh's grandparents. they dont possibly understand why someone woud decline cake, so it was not an option.

todays noms:
most of a bacon roll... well... two thirds.
tea and cake (half a small slice of sponge, no cream, half a small slice fruit cake, and half a shortbread finger... all in all about 1 normal size slice of cake)
Roast beef, 1 roast spud, veg and 1 yorkshire pudding.
a mars icecream bar.

not so bad, even with the cake, i really didnt eat much of it, so so so much less than i ever would have before! so i dont feel too guilty.

If you cant be spoiled by some of your other halfs grandmothers home baking, when can you eh!

(excuses excuses tut tut)

Good luck for the pouch test, i keep meaning to do it, but dont seem to have the will power.

I'm going to backtrack on what I said this morning, and am not going to start the 5DPT tomorrow after all. I had to go and do the family shop today, and I hate to think that after gastric bypass surgery I would have to resort to something as severe as the 5DPT. So instead I have bought lots of fresh fruit, salad, veg, fish, fresh meat etc and I am determined not to let any "bad" stuff past my lips this week.

Now if I cant do this then I will resort to 5DPT next week instead.

Your food for today looks fab Bee.
Hi everyone hope everybody's had a great weekend! Well eating wise not great went to a mates for the weekend in biggin hill and watched the air fair from a field with a wonderful picnic of crisps, sausage rolls, scotch eggs, cheese rolls ect, we then went back to her house where we sat in the garden with a litre bottle of pimms and ordered a curry!!!! OMG! I'm sure this has been my worse day since my bypass!!! Today was better though we got home around 12 and headed straight to the beach where i went for a lovely swim and hopefully burnt afew of yesterdays calories off!!! Next week WILL be a better week!

Good luck M with the 5DPT!
Good luck Sam with the healthy fridge choices!
Yesterday was best written off. So today its me for the 5DPT on me ownsome then. So far the day having started at 5am and it now being 12 noon (not that I have my eye on the clock you umderstand) I have had 3 x protein shakes with 3 litres iced water and a spicy lentil slimasoup thingy. To date not too bad but a lot of the day to go yet.

Will report back later

your going good guns so far m!! keep it up!

so far today:

An apple
1/2 a brown roll with 1/2 tin of beans and a babybel light
muller yogurt
1/2 brown roll and a banana
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Yesterday I was mostly eating:
Breakfast 2pm : 1 x toast with cheese
Meal 5pm : strawberries and cream
Meal midnight : turkey salad
snacks through night : 6 Duchy short bread bikkies, two handfuls of fruit pastilles, handful of Pringles
Meal 8am : cheese on toast
Meal 2pm : cheese on toast

I can see a bit of a pattern here, mostly involving cheese and toast. I get so tired when working on nights that I just need something simple and filling, but that's no excuse. I'm not going to weigh myself for a while and just try to feel if I really have got some more weight to lose, or am I really comfortable at my current weight. And John, I think I'll follow your lead and remove myself from the Bank Holiday weightloss challenge. It would be very easy to become fixated on numbers of pounds still to go until I have a BMI of 25, which was always my goal.
Hi Gill, Good observation re food patterns. This is something I was doing - maybe having the same old same old, night after night and lunch after lunch. Since being a bit more liberal with my food choices, more through neccessity than choice due to eating out a lot more, I've started losing again, albeit slowly. That could be coincidence, but it might not be. I'm thinking a more varied diet is a good way to go and well worth the effort.

Love the new avatar photo btw. xxx
:angeldevil: Afternoon all!

I have had a really good food day today. Angelic in fact. I really have stuck to my word and nothing bad has passed my lips at all.

Breakfast - small handful of special K with skimmed milk
Mid morning snack - grapes and strawberries.
Lunch - king prawns (about 10) with a large salad and about a tablespoon of coleslaw.
Tea - im about to have some bolognese that my daughter has made, but I'll only manage a couple of spoons. Im not having spaghetti, but will have one slice of a garlic baguette and a large salad.

I have drunk a lot more than usual too, and have been running to the loo as a result. Just hope I manage to keep this strong willpower for long enough to make a difference.
Everyone's having a good day either in food choices or decisions ...... brilliant.

Day 1 of the 5DPT is completed. I'm upstairs in my bedroom watching TV and I'm not going down again so that should be my eating done for today.

Food today:

1 x large black decaff coffee
Protein shakes x 6 with a litre of water each time
1 x slimasoup spicy lentil
2 x WW tomato soups
1 x sugar free jelly

Surprisingly easy day today but not sure how another day will sit. But it seemed like the milk diet did as long as I kept drinking I wasn't hungry and given it was the Monday from hell at work and damn boring I was amazed it went so well.

my day was great, till my other half came home with a tub of biscuits... ach well... im still within my calories.

so i had:
An apple x 2
1/2 a brown roll with 1/2 tin of beans and a babybel light
muller yogurt
1/2 brown roll and a banana

I had mini rump steak with roasted veg (no root vegs, stuff like corgette and pepper) with a little bit of rice for dinner.

just the baaaad biscuits...

I WILL DO BETTER TOMORROW... I WILL I WILL I WILL (and if i don't please tell me off!)

Well, what on earth has got into all of us... it looks like everyone has had a fab day. (Bee, we wont mention the biccies as that was blatantly OH's fault - not yours. lol)

M I'm super impressed that you have got through the day on liquids only and not faltered. Well done, and Im sure you will see your reward on the scales.

Come on ladies, lets carry on the momentum. We WILL be slim. I can feel it in my water!
Sadly ended the day with a small handful of fruit and nuts and 1/3rd box pringles and so Day 1 again today that will teach me. BUT have to say it wasn't too bad

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, isn't it annoying. You can be good all day and then in the evening you find your hand in the bikkie (or pringle) tin before you even know it. I'm not at work today and I'm going shopping (looking at clothes this morning and food this afternoon) so I'm going to try to snack on fruit all day but with three proper meals. I'm going to try to not eat bread at all today; bread was my downfall and it still calls to me, I love it but it's not good for me.

Good luck today everyone. I'm going to try to analyse my feelings if I eat something that is bad, one of those emotional diet diaries so I can recognise any trigger emotions.
it was a very good effort m! the very best of luck for today :)

Sam your doing fab!
Gill, i hope you find something fab on your shopping trip!

Today is going okay... but then it is only half one! Will update later!

I'm doing OK so far but an hour ago I had my keys in my hand to go get food. Stopped myself but have been thinking about it ever since. Had another shake and hopefully that will keep it off for a bit.
