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Think Im going to bail

I'll third that! good on ya!
awww Sam that is so decent of you and I am sure Caroline appreciates it, it is understandable that things get blown up out of control and for you to appologise like that is very decent and well done for it hun I hope you and Caroline can become friends out of this xxx
I'm also very happy to read what Sam wrote:) and hope Caroline stays and continues her valuable input.
Hugs all round! x
Awwwwww sam thats so lovely, and caroline is such an inspiration and a lovely lady too! come to that Yeps!! you both are, sometimes like mixy has said it is so hard to put in words what you mean to express and sometimes it does read down the wrong path, meaning if you were face to face and with frown and smiles and all the expressions that us humans do it wouldnt have come out as it did by writing. Gail x
Hey Caroline,

I really hope that you decide not to leave - you were right about my problem. I suppose that I just didn't want to hear that I was doing something wrong. I never intended to upset you and I am very sorry that you were. Please accept my sincere apology.

Many blessings, whatever you decide.