Day after the op was good while in the hospital, journey back home was hard work and the afternoon in the house was painful because of trapped wind. It was behind my lung to start with then shifted to my shoulder and the side of my tummy I think and I couldn't even drink because of the pressure on my chest.
Managed to fart in the end (burping was too painful) thanks to my husband constantly massaging and patting my back like a baby, lol! That really helped
Used about 5-6 pillows to get comfy in bed in a semi-sitting position and slept from 11pm til 5:30am this morning, which is pretty good I think. I woke up once around 3pm because the cat decided to sit on my incisions, hurt a bit and I moved him and went back to sleep for a bit longer.
Got up this morning and released some more wind

Walked around the house for 15-20 minutes, that really helped. Had half a cup of coffee, then half a glass of water with soluble co-codamol and just now managed a cup of thinned down chicken soup so doing much better getting some fluids in today than yesterday.
I tried Windeze, Boot's own brand and Deflatine all and my final decision is Deflatine was the best for me. It's easier to suck than the others and works faster I found. Peppermint tea is good too but I really don't like the taste.
Port side hurts today but I think that's only normal. I find that holding my hand over my left side while getting up and walking around kinda helps.
Like I've been saying for the last two days - it can only get better and easier from now on... One day at a time, one fart at a time, haha.
My experience overall is very positive though. I was expecting much worse than this. I was always aware that this would not be pain free but I thought it would be much more painful than it actually is. Which I'm grateful for...
Much love to you all xx