Living on a boat! Oooo... how luvverly! I've come over all 'Rosie and Jim'!

But getting up at 0450hrs? Unearthly! At least you get some more zeds til 7.
Hello backatcha Rachel.
The sunshine has really made a difference to today. I've had more energy than I have had in months and really surprised myself. Mind ytou, I did a spectacular fall whilst gardening. My front garden is set high up from street level and I fell forward, tried to stop myself, maaged to divert my fall from the steps but landed in the middle of the viburnum I was pruning. It took me ten minutes to get up from it. Fook knows what the neighbours thought if they saw me.
It's got a me-sized hole in the middle of it now so you can imagine it was quite a large specimen! I have some luvverly bruises and cuts. Good job I'm a tough old boot, innit?
So, I think I'll set meself up in business as an alternative topiarist, sculpting shrubs by flinging myself into them in a comedic manner!