I'm sure I am going to get some flack for this but people are only human, with their own issues and triggers and emotions .... some of the posts about their 'gift' make it sound easy and straightforward and this process, whether surgical or not, simply isn't.
I am thinking of having a takeaway tonight ... I have no targetted weight loss, no date for surgery, just a set of guidelines and some seminars to attend in september. Does this mean I am not worthy? that I should quit now for some more deserving soul? That I don't deserve surgery, that I am not ready?
No it doesn't, it means I have taken a decision about what I will eat and I take responsibility for it. How will I feel afterwards ... hopefully ok because this is a planned meal, but if I had fallen off the wagon because of a problem I would feel like poo and would hope I would get more support than to be thrown under the bus. I have no idea how this person feels about breaking their diet - maybe it will stop their operation, maybe it has taught them a lesson which means the rest of the process will be fine. Or maybe they aren't ready for surgery.
I have no idea, but to my friends who are currently supporting me with their time and effort, please understand if I don't live up to your expectations.