Well ladies i am back from work had my tea and reading posts, pleased you all feel similar to me about things, i am so proud of you Kitty coming through the dark times you have been in, its not easy to overcome somtething like that i have dealt with depression on and off for years only mildly myself however my hubby and my mam had years of it, my husband threatened suicide several times even went in 1 night to say good bye to the kids when they were sleeping that was one of the toughest things i ever had to witness, broke my heart thta did. I have also dealt with a lot of teenagers who self harm, and it is very hard to watch and understand people you care about hurting themselves to make them feel better, each kid i have dealt with i have a bond with and it is difficult when we feel helpless for them. You have been through so much and come through and now dealing with your partners depression it is a horrible rocky road as you know and i wish you well you are doing a brilliant job using your experiences to help others, i truly believe that is why we have to go through these times, to enable us to help and understand others. So proud of you love the dredlocks and what a handsome chapyour partner is. xx