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WLS Sisterhood

A million times better. Which I think is why it annoys me when I get a little down because I have nothing to be depressed about.

Upsets me a little that I can't make my BF see the light. He's really depressed and on meds at the moment and I can't seem to get him to understand that he needs to make the changes that others can't do that for him. Just waiting on his moment of clarity where it all makes sense. In the mean time I'm trying to tolerate that I have to do everything because he spends all day hiding, sleeping or playing computer games.
maybe his meds need changing, I was on prozac for 22 years, last week my doctor changed them and i feel reborn!! good luck, i hope hes ok xxx
maybe his meds need changing, I was on prozac for 22 years, last week my doctor changed them and i feel reborn!! good luck, i hope hes ok xxx

They moved him off fluoxitine to citalopram and he went nuts (I did the other way round when I was on meds) so he is back on prozac and fluoxitine. He doesn't know (or doesn't tell me) why he is so anxious, nervous and scared all the time. He doesn't do anything new for fear he will freak out. We hardly go out any more, which is why I'm now trying to find groups for things for me to do without him. I became a bit of a recluse because he was.
They moved him off fluoxitine to citalopram and he went nuts (I did the other way round when I was on meds) so he is back on prozac and fluoxitine. He doesn't know (or doesn't tell me) why he is so anxious, nervous and scared all the time. He doesn't do anything new for fear he will freak out. We hardly go out any more, which is why I'm now trying to find groups for things for me to do without him. I became a bit of a recluse because he was.
exactly the same as me! fluoxetine for 22 years, which stopped working, i was getting very depressed again, last weel the doc put me on citalopram and i feel amazing!! such a shame for your other half :( I really hope you have some results with him soon, bless. And you getting out is a really good idea, being with depressed people brings you down too, wishing you all the best honey. I have to go to work now, but if you send me a picture of him, i will send healing his way xxx

My sexy sexy james bond boy <3 purr
i will send this about 8 tonight xxx
Well ladies i am back from work had my tea and reading posts, pleased you all feel similar to me about things, i am so proud of you Kitty coming through the dark times you have been in, its not easy to overcome somtething like that i have dealt with depression on and off for years only mildly myself however my hubby and my mam had years of it, my husband threatened suicide several times even went in 1 night to say good bye to the kids when they were sleeping that was one of the toughest things i ever had to witness, broke my heart thta did. I have also dealt with a lot of teenagers who self harm, and it is very hard to watch and understand people you care about hurting themselves to make them feel better, each kid i have dealt with i have a bond with and it is difficult when we feel helpless for them. You have been through so much and come through and now dealing with your partners depression it is a horrible rocky road as you know and i wish you well you are doing a brilliant job using your experiences to help others, i truly believe that is why we have to go through these times, to enable us to help and understand others. So proud of you love the dredlocks and what a handsome chapyour partner is. xx
Well ladies i am back from work had my tea and reading posts, pleased you all feel similar to me about things, i am so proud of you Kitty coming through the dark times you have been in, its not easy to overcome somtething like that i have dealt with depression on and off for years only mildly myself however my hubby and my mam had years of it, my husband threatened suicide several times even went in 1 night to say good bye to the kids when they were sleeping that was one of the toughest things i ever had to witness, broke my heart thta did. I have also dealt with a lot of teenagers who self harm, and it is very hard to watch and understand people you care about hurting themselves to make them feel better, each kid i have dealt with i have a bond with and it is difficult when we feel helpless for them. You have been through so much and come through and now dealing with your partners depression it is a horrible rocky road as you know and i wish you well you are doing a brilliant job using your experiences to help others, i truly believe that is why we have to go through these times, to enable us to help and understand others. So proud of you love the dredlocks and what a handsome chapyour partner is. xx

Thanks hon <3

I was suicidal from the age of 8. I've been in some very dark places but now I know that they were just tunnels to dig out into the glorious pasture I'm in today. My boy is amazing and I love him so much, and we will work through his tunnels too.
Blaaaaaaah! In such a blah mood. So starting my new art project today. A-Z fictional characters. Weather, get nicer. Boooo.

A is for Alice
HiddenBeauty said:
<img src="http://www.wlsurgery.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=8595"/>

A is for Alice

Nice :D your heart is lovely and quirky just like you xxx
Spare a thought for me sisters have fallen down at work and came home at 1pm slipped 2 times on wet floor at school with all this rain, have hurt 1 knee twice and the other once, jarred my wrist and now my shoulder blade and back are all in pain. Had a lovely hot bath got me jim jams on had paracetamol and on the couch catching up. made sure i got them in accident book before i left. xx Been reading the threads, having bit titter too my self makes me feel bit better. xx
oh noooo :( hope u feel better soon Chris :) xxx
oh noooo :( hope u feel better soon Chris :) xxx

Thanx me too, hope to be back tomorrow i'm not 1 for stopping off i have an excellent sickness record its that bloody rain sick to death of it, so heavy at times the kids at school are soaking. xx:(
chrisa said:
Spare a thought for me sisters have fallen down at work and came home at 1pm slipped 2 times on wet floor at school with all this rain, have hurt 1 knee twice and the other once, jarred my wrist and now my shoulder blade and back are all in pain. Had a lovely hot bath got me jim jams on had paracetamol and on the couch catching up. made sure i got them in accident book before i left. xx Been reading the threads, having bit titter too my self makes me feel bit better. xx

Chrisa (((hugs))) really hope you will be ok. Not nice for you at all :( xxx
chrisa said:
Spare a thought for me sisters have fallen down at work and came home at 1pm slipped 2 times on wet floor at school with all this rain, have hurt 1 knee twice and the other once, jarred my wrist and now my shoulder blade and back are all in pain. Had a lovely hot bath got me jim jams on had paracetamol and on the couch catching up. made sure i got them in accident book before i left. xx Been reading the threads, having bit titter too my self makes me feel bit better. xx

Hugs lots
Oh no Chris , hope you are resting & it feels better soon xx