Yvessa said:If yours are like mine, money makes the world go around. She gets a pound for cleaning the front room.
HiddenBeauty said:I'm attending my first meditation class tonight the weather is looking horrible thuogh
HiddenBeauty said:I'm attending my first meditation class tonight the weather is looking horrible thuogh
Jennifer Williams said:I love meditation I hold a small group once a week.
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HiddenBeauty said:I went to meditation, found it hard at first, doing alternate nostril breathing, but got the hang of it. Then I was invited to stay for Kirtan afterwards and that was amazing.
i tranced out at the kirtan session was strange but i went with it
I was round a camp fire, half in the desert, half in the woods, with a mix of gypsies, native indians and buddhists all doing the chanting and drumming. Then I was back in the meditation room we were in. Happened during 3 chants.
I feel so buzzy now![]()
HiddenBeauty said:and now two hours after finishing and an hour after i got home hyper as hell.. i'm tired and falling asleep lol
Caren said:Hey sisters, I need some advice. I'm on the low carb low fat diet, but just realised that bananas are full of carbs and I've been eating one a day!!! Is it just rice, bread, potatoes that I can't eat or is it bananas too?
from me phone![]()
Caren said:id love to go to a meditation group!! xxx
Fuffs said:Usually bananas are off limits on low carb. But one a day won't have killed you. And some people on here have them on their low carb pre op x
Caren said:I better stop then, I've been having one a day! Dozy cow xxx
from me phone![]()
Want a good lol I was teaching Haley to do a spilt and she got mad at me and said stop telling me what to do you can't do it. Well little does she i work out and i am flexible. So i dropped in to a split no biggie and my 13 year olds face hit the floor. So did my 15 and 11 year old. I did it to the floor and proved them Mom was and will always be the bomb 254 or 109 Mom's are not the decrepit old lady they think i am. LOL
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Jennifer Williams said:Want a good lol I was teaching Haley to do a spilt and she got mad at me and said stop telling me what to do you can't do it. Well little does she i work out and i am flexible. So i dropped in to a split no biggie and my 13 year olds face hit the floor. So did my 15 and 11 year old. I did it to the floor and proved them Mom was and will always be the bomb 254 or 109 Mom's are not the decrepit old lady they think i am. LOL
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