I am not happy, Not at all operation was cancelled. :raincloud:

Hi everyone thank you so much for all your messages!... I am not happy, Not at all... because the operation was cancelled. :raincloud:
I went to the hospital on Sunday the day before my op because My asthma is quite bad and the dr from the chest clinic requested it...so on the sunday i call up to make sure they had a bed for me as it states in the letter, to call at 11 o'clock. I called and the hospital and they don't know anything about me or the op...after hours of calling different departments i finally speak to the bed manager about 4pm (who was very rude) and she tell me to come in but to a different ward .
I get to the hospital and they say they don't have my notes. " but don't worry they will get them soon". Before going to bed, I was told i was the first on the list to be done in the morning and that i will have to shower at 6 am to have the operation at 8am...Cool.
About 3 am someone woke me to take my bloods. At 6am i was woken to have my shower and i txt my sister to come because she wanted to see and speak the dr before i have the op.
8 o'clock come and goes and my sister and i are left waiting!...Dr comes and tells me they still can find my notes...so they can not do it untill they find them!.

So another dr comes round at 1 o'clock to say they have now found my note and that i will have the op for 2.30pm but after reading my notes they see that i will need a high dependency unit bed which now because it has taken so long finding my notes that there is no longer one available for me. "but don't worry they are going to sort it out"...funny thing is that there was one booked for me if i had the op at the 8am slot....At 5 o'clock i get told that they can not do the Gastric sleeve op on me today because cant get a HDU bed and they can't do it without one... Love my sister to death she stayed with me the whole time from 7am till i went home.. and it would have cost her more than £20 in parking fees but one of the nurses felt sorry for us and fill out a form so that it only was £10.
I was told that i now have to call to book another date for the Gastric sleeve op... but i have to wait 4 to 5 weeks or more till i can have it done...I work in a school so the summer holidays was the best and only time i could have this op.... i just feel like crying!!!..oh and they tell me now that i should eat as normal.. so i go home and have some food (not a big portion) a small bowl of rice and chicken which come to less than 400 cals...but after not eating anything but soup and yogurt my tummy was not happy and i spent the rest of the night in the bathroom...Hey but i weighed myself today and i am still losing weight 1.5 kg since my last weigh-in.
I am now going to call to find out what dates it can be done on and see if i can get time off work for it...I will up date you all as soon as i know any more.XXX