Gosh, Yve. I wish I could say something to make this all go away. The mental fatigue alone I can understand but the physical? Not so much and I cannot imagine how you must be feeling. One day though, it will all make sense. It will be like a light switch going off in your head and you will be able to look back on this time and be grateful that you had to fight. Your mind will be so much stronger for it Yve. Some of what I say is clichéd perhaps, but I believe it to be very true.
Keep going my love, I know that you were not being ungrateful. As the adage goes, "Who feels it, knows it". You could start each entry with a complaint about your body image woes if you wanted to, it is not our place to tell you how you must feel or what you should be saying Say what ever you need to in order to get you by. If you need me, please get in touch. I think we are a lot a like. Xx