Yve - you look soooo happy and gorgeous in that dress. Have a great evening ...
I just also want to say (as I have done before so many times) that I am in total awe of all the super-losers on here, and where they journey takes them. You have never ceased to inspire, advise and support me through my 10stone loss. We are all in this together - and this is why this forum is so important. Ten stone, or twenty stone ... these are enormous achievements that a non-morbidly obese person could never ever comprehend. We are not just mere dieters - we have a disease, and have had drastic surgery to cure us ... The concept of our operation is not rocket science for most folk to comprehend, but the challenges that we face inside our heads accepting and adjusting to our new selves is extremely complex, and only another person who has experienced drastic weight loss could understand. That is all of us post-opers - and the most important support you will receive is from other supers on here as they best know what you are facing. My skin issues are modest in comparison to yours hun, and I don't mean to be trite when I advise - I am merely trying to offer practical solutions to the issues of 'appearance'. You sre legend and have supported all of us without ceasing or question - anything we can do to return that is what we will do. You look amazing - and I really do hope the time with shrink in a couple of weeks helps you come to terms with the skin a bit better. Will this person have any input into a possible referral to plastics? If so, then if it was me I think I would have an Oscar-winning dramatic moment, rather than appear to be coping well ... ;-)