Ladies PLEASE!!!!! For a moment, let's just contemplate over what we have ACHIEVED!!!!!
I'm reading a lot of negativity lately.....and I totally relate to it. I catch a glimpse of my puckered saggy thighs, varicose veins, mahoosive flappy bingo wings and just absolutely SHUDDER!!!
But it has to be fleeting. Those thoughts of disappointment, failure, regret, ugliness.....oh massive Frankie sigh....we really need to stop letting them get too much head space.
The fact of the matter is, WE ARE SAVING OUR OWN LIVES.
Stop looking at the numbers. If you look better in a 16 than a 12, get the 16!
Learn about our new shape. What clothes fit better, which shapes hide our wobbly bits, what clothes actually make us feel good????
Perfect example with your recent posts Yve....I totally get why you would feel down looking at the pic in the grey dress size 8. It doesn't fit or flatter you. The red dress however, well you look absolutely lovely!!!!
The same rules apply to when we were at our heaviest. Just because it fits, doesn't mean you should wear it. Yes we have loose skin.....but there are millions of women around the world who have never had WLS and have just as many inhibitions/insecurities about their bodies. We all have to make the best of what we've got.
Yep....hands up!! I'd LOVE to look like SHAKIRA!!!
Will I actually ever look like her???
NOOOOOOOOOO!! But I will look like a fit and active 40 something.
Come on ladies, you are all beautiful and an absolute inspiration, celebrate life, love and happiness.
Yes, CEECIE went hippy on it!!