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A Step in the Right Direction

My fitbit showing 11,000 but I only walked for 40 mins which is usually about 5k. I was working and pretty inactive for the rest of the day...don't understand it. Drove down to the van...lots of bumps. Maybe my big boobs jiggling? Lol
Well I tried a wee experiment with my fit bit today as I just couldn't agree with my reading on Thursday. I measured just before I got into the car and .....low and behold between Powfoot and Annan when I got back out bye car I had seemingly walked 700+ steps. The same on the return journey. My fit bit is counting steps when I'm driving,,,,

So it will need to come ff when I'm driving. I'm wondering if it is because I am a busty lady??? And my bust bounces when I go over bumps. I do wear a good properly fitted. Bra from Bravisimo too
Well girls. Was going out yo Gretna gateway today. Lef my fitbit off. As did not put it on at all this morning. I put it on when I got out the car at Gretna and it had done 544 steps !!!!!!
Wtg girls ....... cupid back with a bang :) Sharon wtg hun on fabo steps hun :) Kirsty that dont sound right hun........... mine don't count steps while in car? I have heard somewhere someone said the same (on fitbit q&a) those steps can be subtracted manually but shouldn't happen ...... well not to that extent ............. going to check mine tomorrow when we go out for a drive...... x x x x night all steppers

OOohh forgot just over 5 miles for me LOL
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8840 yesterday, 7088,the day before and 6901 the day before that so bang on target to hit my 50,000 steps this week. X
Way to go you steppers. Not posting mine as don't really have a clue now lol. At the van so can measure tomorrow better and leave fit bit in the van when I go out ...bummer thou, my favourite steps are the retail therapy ones lol
Just got my 50k award in a week n a bit lol. I went to the van this weekend and my battery wasn't charged up enough. Did more steps than it says as walked on the beach with the dog five times. Bad time to have a flat fitty :(
Way to go all you steppers
wtg all steppers :) bummer ali on a flat fitty LOL and wtg on the 50k award :) Dreamer loving you new pic :) Sharon doing grand and Kirsty....... Your fitbit will knock up steps if in your handbag maybe that explains the steps before you put it on? also experiment with it .... i can jump around with mine on and no extra steps............however i forgot to check it in the car today..... dentist in morning will try and remember to check then LOL
Cupid .... hope your doing ok hunni :)

20617 today for me......... login stats over on my diary then away to bed, early morning tomorrow x x x x night all
wtg all steppers :) bummer ali on a flat fitty LOL and wtg on the 50k award :) Dreamer loving you new pic :) Sharon doing grand and Kirsty....... Your fitbit will knock up steps if in your handbag maybe that explains the steps before you put it on? also experiment with it .... i can jump around with mine on and no extra steps............however i forgot to check it in the car today..... dentist in morning will try and remember to check then LOL Cupid .... hope your doing ok hunni :) 20617 today for me......... login stats over on my diary then away to bed, early morning tomorrow x x x x night all
Just finding this pre op very difficult trying to cover what they need and struggling to get drinks ect if I go into town without having to settle for water. Stressful when I'm trying to get everyone sorted ready for Thursday and not sleeping well because my minds playing overtime.. Thanks for taking time to ask Hun Xxx xxx

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