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And so it begins...Kirsty's journey to a sleeve!!

I just managed with a stick blender - under a fiver from asda and adequate for my needs. Puree is a short lived phase and I didn't want to stick with blended food. I also don't really use smoothies much as I was told to eat the items as real items once into normal eating -

With vitamins. Those drops are vile. Made me sick also. I was told by Anna I could take the chewable centrum ones until back on solids xx
Clothes - you may find you change shape and size really quick early days. If it's not offending to you - consider charity shops, hand me downs, and cheap and cheerful leggings xx
Well done on your loss Kirsty.
I use the Bassetts vits, they're gummy and you can suck or chew on them and they taste good. Boots have a 3for2 offer on them at the moment, it's been on a while.
Sounds like you are doing really well Kirsty! Congrats on being on the losers bench :)
Out of curiosity if i was to go to a pub what could i have apart from water. I obviously cant have alcohol but i dont know if any of the soft drinks wud b sugar free and still not sparkling.

Kirsty xx
For many months I had cranberry juice with ice and water. I had a sugar rush with pure orange - my new tummy seemed to struggle with the citrus acid in orange and made me sick xx
I love cranberry so cud try that. Dont fancy the orange juice an spendin the night on the toilet haha. Think my weight loss is slowin down now. Week 1 i lost 13lb week 2 i lost 5lb but im only expecting 2/3lb this week. I can really see a difference now tho. Iv got physio monday to book in for injections in knees an hips an thn im gna join the gym an start doing light exercise and eventually swimming to start toning my body up which will hopefully help with loose skin xx
What about a Virgin Mary? It looks exactly like a 'real' drink so no awkward questions
Eww aint that got tomato juice in lol. Think i will go for cranberry. Need to av juice watered down as well cuz sugar content. Iv got a week an half left on liquid thn i can go onto puree. Can any of u recommend meal ideas for puree stage or some of the things u had and enjoyed i hate the thought of eating puree stuff. Xx
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Also find puree difficult, my week 3 was supposed to be soft/moist, puree if needed. What am doing is more mushy food now like mash, brocc/caul in cream cheese, soft scrambled eggs, salmon, tuna mayo, fish in sauce, avocado, yoghurt and thicker soups etc for the protein content. I tried chicken a few times but I'm struggling with it so have gone back to liquids and mushy again - am at end of week 3.
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I was a bit of a follow the rule obsessed lady. Walsall's post op regime is brutal!!! After 4 weeks of liquid where I wasn't even allowed a yoghurt I moved to puree. I had yoghurts, fromage frais, puréed bake beans and cheese with a tiny bit of mashed potato, casseroles which I then blended - with meat, lentils, chick peas etc for protein, I had low fat creme fraich and a bit of smooth peanut butter, quorn made into a bolognese and then blitzed with some grated cheese on which I stirred until it had fully melted. I added grated cheese to soup. Had thicker soups. Milky porridge. Milky weetabix. Etc etc. I did puree for 4 weeks. By week 8 having done four weeks of only liquid and 4 week of puree I would have killed to experience a crunch!!!!
Im same debs im sticking with the liquids for 4 weeks but they have changed there rules now as only have to do puree for 2 weeks thn lumpy for 2 weeks an said by week 9 i should b able to eat normal food. I really fancy cod in parsley sauce wi some milky mash. Im lookin forward to gettin off liquids. 1 an a half weeks left of it now. Thanks for ideas guys will try some of them out. Im actually feeling hunger tho but it doesnt really bother me. Im sipping water all the time and have 2 bowls of soup a day an 1 jelly. Im jus getting bored now an wanna try new things but in stuck cuz only on liquid

Kirsty xx
I'm a rule follower too. Had very similar foods as Debs described. Made lots of casseroles blended and froze. By end of the 2 weeks I couldn't eat another puréed meal. Now on soft food, scrambled eggs, cottage pie, cottage cheese. Had a few moments but doing ok. Stick to the rules would be my advice.
I had the fish in parsley sauce it was lovely ....
Bet you can't wait I was pushed a week forward because I felt so good I asked my bariatric nurse and she was fine I told her I can't even attempt puree as makes me feel sick ... so she said if I don't need a knife to eat it it was OK I just really chewed ..... x
Im same debs im sticking with the liquids for 4 weeks but they have changed there rules now as only have to do puree for 2 weeks thn lumpy for 2 weeks an said by week 9 i should b able to eat normal food. I really fancy cod in parsley sauce wi some milky mash. Im lookin forward to gettin off liquids. 1 an a half weeks left of it now. Thanks for ideas guys will try some of them out. Im actually feeling hunger tho but it doesnt really bother me. Im sipping water all the time and have 2 bowls of soup a day an 1 jelly. Im jus getting bored now an wanna try new things but in stuck cuz only on liquid

Kirsty xx
Kirsty can i ask how long it took for your appointment to come through after gp referred you please on the first stage. Tia xx