Day 14- post op.
Can't actually believe that I've got this far. Was back to work last night. Luckily got let home at 5 to catch the first train back as I struggled big time by 4am ... Then cycled home and was snug in my bed by 7am. Thank god. Haven't slept well today at all. Woke at 10-11-1- and have up and got up at 1-20!!! Leave for work again at 4:45.
So 14 days since u when alone and got the band. I'm a tad shocked really as the weight (since chocolate gate) hasn't come off despite eating NEXT TO NOTHING... When I think before I'd consume so much food and now , like a yoghurt a small ready meal or something per day, barely touching the sides on calories and I'm not loosing anything. Then I think to myself well ... You have dropped a lot quickly. So not to be too disheartened with it all. Fill comes on the 6th may and I can't wait really. I want to start getting into it. All this blahhh foods mushy liquids... Can't be good as your not actively choosing the healthy options.... Like fruit and veg as it's hard to consume them and mushy bananas are not exactly the best of fruits.... How I long for my watermelon and pineapple on a warm spring day!
So I cycled yesterday! Most Excercise I've done since "run to the beat" half marathon in sept 2013... Yes I've been lazy moo since transferring jobs and Xmas and the surgery BUT yesterday and today was a fresh start! I restited all the sweets , cakes, biscuits and takeaways my colleagues all brought in to celebrate my return... And are the most YUMMY yoghurt (113kcal) made by Danone. It was a thick 0% mix pot yoghurt with passion fruit exact that you mixed up into the thickness of the yoghurt! Wow! And at 3 for £2 .... What a lovely meal at 2am! ( gosh nights messes me up ) but my BUTT from cycling is in tatters! Jeez whizz how thee tour de France dudes do it I have no idea. All I can say is " John Wayne" and gotta do it all again for this 12 hour shift , and the bloody London marathon is tomorrow so it's going to be super busy and hard to get home! ?
So that's today's update. Ill pop a two week post op scar photo on I think when I get ready for work... Hope you all have a lovely weekend xxx