Hi guys and dolls sorry not been on, god 7 days of not stomaching much at all was awful. I was just desperate to stomach something, but literally on the 8th day it's settled nicely.
I've learnt a few things..... Bread? Nope do not eat anymore, rice? Nope! Do not touch. Tomatoes? Be careful they like to come back up at a later date.
I'm going to say to you all I'm no angel at all when it comes to this weight loss surgery, I pretty much am eating what I want but the portions are 1/5th the size I would off eaten. I'm not having weight I'm not loosing loads either. I had a very interesting conversation with the dietician at my last fill and the full nurse repeated the same. They both said DO NOT go on a strict diet with this, the idea is you eat normally, no drastic low fats, no not having a ice cream on a day out etc .... Be sensible but never deprive yourself, the aim is not to loose a shocking amount if weight quickly only to put it all on again, the aim is to slowly adjust your life.... Every month I feel I'm achieving that. Through all the stress and little binges I have I'm slowly letting my head catch up with the band, I don't need that portion of food anymore. Ones enough, and slowly but surely the weight is coming down with it.
If I want to loose slot more I could, but I just don't want to feel like a slave to food and calories and excercise etc, obvs I'm going to get back into my distance running eventually, but at the mo I just want to focus on learning my bands capabilities... After all I'm a baby bander, I defo feel for me it's the right choice. Getting into the fills and how they work etc is great. Learning how to cope with the fills well .... That's a challenge in it's self.
Overall my life feels simpler. After teds shocking passing I'm trying to look at life in a much more simplistic way. Rather than making everything a rush and drama coz it's not happening now,. Can I honestly hand on my heart say I deserve a 2st 4lb weight loss so far .... Hummmm not really. If I want more I will have to make better choices. For me there's no point moaning about it. I'm not putting on weight which is what of normally go if I loved off of 6 days take outs or restaurant eating on a row....
So anyway, all is good in the hood and I hope you all are doing fab too xxx