Good to see you posting hunni

you certainly sound more chipper lol bless you its been a tough time for you, and trying to learn how to cope in different ways is a huge challenge. Your right we all have our demons, we all cope differently, and now not being able to bury our heads into the nearest cake or takeaway we have to find new coping strategies. I think your doing blooming amazingly, you have been thru some of the toughest emotional battles lately and here you are, you came out the other side, more philosophical and more rounded

as a person..... i mean lol hmmm that don't sound right but what i mean is the rich learning this journey has us on can only ever make us more balanced .....hmmm maybe even a better person eventually

You start to look at life thru different eyes, rather than just dulling down the pain of everyday life with food, i'm certainly with you there lol I'm so pleased your band has settled, maybe being a bit more at peace has helped somewhat......... so onwards and downwards hunni i'm sure this journey has a lot more curve balls to throw at you yet, but i just know you will meet any challenge thrown your way, you are an amazing, strong, beautiful young woman

x x x x huge hugs x x x x