I've been staying the same for a while now, feeling a right ole failure cos I've been having things in place of food as Ive been so hungry and so sick of not eating.
I'm gonna start doing this thread to stop me and show me how bad I really am

even if only me reads it. I've noticed not many people have been on here lately reading through the last few posts so I'll be a little Billy and keep myself company.
Today I have been stupid so I'll admit my failings now and hopefully move on to a better day tomorrow.
One toasted muffin with marg and 2 poached eggs with salt and pepper (my ultimate breakfast)
2x snack a jacks with small pot of humous spread on them
Oasis drink 88 cals
greggs sausage roll (who has any idea how many cals are in this?)
Snack a jacks packet s&v afternoon snack
White mice pack (I checked the cals and they were 500 cals or there abouts!!)
Not had tea, and due to the rubbish I've eaten I've got horrendous heartburn, serves me right.
Might have a cup a soup as it's getting late for me to eat now.
So what do you think then? is that approx 1500 cals?
Am I over estimating on that one?
Back to work tomorrow and I'm going to attempt a salad for my lunch, first one since last fill. (I've really missed salad)