WLS Moderator
Ok I'm here!! You lovely ladies have talked me down off the ledge and I am making some commitments right here and ready?
Thats enough for this week...I'll be on here annoying you I promise lol
- 30 minutes a day moving...even if its just step on the wii
- 2.5 litres of water a day...I'm so bad at fluid intake
- Sticking to no fluids 30 mins before or 60 mins after
I am so glad!!! It is really hard to come back to the forum after being stuck...I felt like a right twit when I stopped losing , too scared to come back and say so...and then you see acres of bypassers (love em honest) shedding truckloads of weight and it feels so damn unfair.
I think pretty much everyone of us has felt like tearing our hair out most weeks...blasted scales!
What you are planning sounds great!
The main thing is to do something that you can realistically do consistantly everyday.
We need to build the habits first ..even 10 minutes of exercise everyday, no so much more valuable than we realise..
Once you do that minumum daily, THEN when you have that as much as a habit as brushing your teeth every morning and night....THEN you can build time and intensity.
Going in all guns blazing is really hard to maintain and you only feel awful if you can't keep to what you promise gets in the way etc.
Just tweaking a couple easy things daily is going to begin a profound difference.
I think as we said in the other thread, get that fill level tweaked a tiny bit, please don't be afraid to have a little taken out.
At the moment you need to get some proper nutrition down you so you have energy to exercise and just feel so much better.
Have one kit kat one day a week..You can still have that to look forward to but the rest of the time , with your plan above and having some real healthy food should hopefully feel good and lose some more x