Folks, I am happy (ish), but my eating is out of control. Not putting on but definitely losing very, very slow. I just seem to have no self control of late.
Today's menu:
Breakfast 50g pro nutro and ss milk
L 1/2 avocado and 1/2 prawn cocktail plus starter portion fried calamari
mid afternoon : 1/2 jacket with cheese and beans
D 160g prawns and 50g mushrooms - stior fried
Snacks: 3 skinny lattes, 100g cheese, 1 pckt cheesy wotsists, 20g chocolate bunny
Drinks: 2ltr water, 3 home made decaf cappucino
Calories for the day 2369. (Mainly as the calamari comes up as 700 calories), still though its bad.
I have restriction on big meals, so dont eat big. But in between having all this junk.
2369 bloody calories is dreadfull.
And today is not abnormal of late, I seem to be putting it awat.
Stupidly two days a go I had 2 cans of coke. The insanity is unexplainable and the toilet issues the next day was not worth it and I will never have coke again! Ever! As it was my downfall.
I am seeing the lovely Shaw Summers on 11 July for my hernia repair, once we have a date for the op, I will ask him if there is any chance he can do a tune up on my bypass, as I really dont want to be eating like this.
I suppose on a plus I have easily burnt a few hundred calories in activity today, I take stairs every where and have walked a fair bit. I plan to up my exercise so I will get there. I just have no food control at the moment and am concerned.
I know medically the position of my hernia affects my pouch and helps it empty very quick, so once sorted that alone should help.
Anyway I have no one to blame but myself and have to very very quickly get back on the wagon. After all tomorrow is officially only 9 months post op!