New Member
Hi girls
Im Mary and thinking of having the Spatz balloon fitted in the mid April!
Im sooo nervous. Don't really know what to expect!
My Husband and my mum is not supporting at all, they are all against the whole thing. But I have now decided to have it done.
Im 38 years old and 13st 7.6lb and very short. My goal weight is 8st93lb.( what I was 18 years ago).
I would be most grateful if you would please inform me about your treatments and also share your experiences.
Hi Mary
Good on ye! No point being fat and unhappy
I had my balloon fitted 6 weeks ago. It's not a Spatz, mine lasts 6 months and has no refills.
I'd swear I have had no restriction at all but I have lost 1st 4lb in 6weeks!
I'm down a total of 6 stone 4lb!
I only feel the balloon every now and then but mentally it's stopping me from over eating.
I eat a lot less now than I ever did.
I haven't been this weight in over ten years!!!!
It has worked well so far
Fingers crossed I'd like to get down to 12st and then see what happins
My husband knew I was getting it done!
I told my mam the night before and she was not impressed!!!!! She has a gastric band and has been so sick for the past few years over it!
But she has been my rock ever since! My mam has never supported me as well as what she has in the past few weeks!!!! Never!!!!!
I haven't told any of my 4 sisters, dad, inn laws, only told two friends and the ladies here
carol b