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Countdown to Balloon Launch

I'm a teeny weeny!!

What a month of achievements this has been for me & i can now add aother before the sunsets on June 2013....After years (at least 17 anyway) I am now officially a teeny as I finally kick the twenties into touch ... Okay albeit by only a pound but I am finally into the teens :D :bunnydance:
What a month of achievements this has been for me & i can now add aother before the sunsets on June 2013....After years (at least 17 anyway) I am now officially a teeny as I finally kick the twenties into touch ... Okay albeit by only a pound but I am finally into the teens :D :bunnydance:

Great job femfrankie ?
Hope ur feeling fab xx

carol b :)
Mentally I'm on cloud nine & ecstatic ..Physically I am having concerns over a hernia I have ... Not the hiatal one but the epigastric one which has been quite prominent & tender lately.
I have been avoiding the docs for fear if this putting a kybosh on getting the bypass done but i dont think i can keep avoiding it very much longer ... Damn
Mentally I'm on cloud nine & ecstatic ..Physically I am having concerns over a hernia I have ... Not the hiatal one but the epigastric one which has been quite prominent & tender lately.
I have been avoiding the docs for fear if this putting a kybosh on getting the bypass done but i dont think i can keep avoiding it very much longer ... Damn

Yea I'm avoiding the doc also! I haven't told me doc yet about the balloon!
I possibly have a leaky gut or bacteria in the gut! I can't get a camera down till I get the balloon out in September so there is no point even talking to him about it!
It's so embarrassing because I constantly smell like a sewer!!!!!! Burping uncontrollably!!!
When will I be normal!!!!

carol b :)
Yea I'm avoiding the doc also! I haven't told me doc yet about the balloon!
I possibly have a leaky gut or bacteria in the gut! I can't get a camera down till I get the balloon out in September so there is no point even talking to him about it!
It's so embarrassing because I constantly smell like a sewer!!!!!! Burping uncontrollably!!!
When will I be normal!!!!

carol b :)

Hahaha yep the burping is something I am not going to miss at all... I wake in the morning, sit up at the edge of the bed and rift for minutes on end. i think i can do it better than any man tbh except I apologise after every burp lol. It's the ones that sneak out when i'm mid conversation with someone that are the most embarrassing! I get no warning, they just happen lol
I am almost sure your doctor would already know hun as the surgeon would have to send a report to your gp as a matter of course wouldn't he?
Hahaha yep the burping is something I am not going to miss at all... I wake in the morning, sit up at the edge of the bed and rift for minutes on end. i think i can do it better than any man tbh except I apologise after every burp lol. It's the ones that sneak out when i'm mid conversation with someone that are the most embarrassing! I get no warning, they just happen lol
I am almost sure your doctor would already know hun as the surgeon would have to send a report to your gp as a matter of course wouldn't he?

Nope! The clinic didn't inform the doc at all! No need to ?
It's mortifying! My doc put me on colpremen! Crap! Does nothing! I can actually feel it go straight threw me! Does nothing for the stomach at all!!!!
But I just have to live with it for the moment!
I'm in my mobile home at the moment! Will be here for another 9 days!!!! How will I manage not weighing myself for a whole 11 days straight?
Hope I will do great and knock off 5lbs!!!!! Would be fab to go back to my consultant with a great loss in two weeks, even being on holidays and been at a wedding yesterday :)
I have high hopes!
100lb down and my pics are looking better every week!
Another 28lb to go!!!! Stress lol
Night n god bless
Talk soon xx

carol b :)
I'm glad it helps hon. Feel free to ask if you've got any questions.

Hello again everybody. After much thinking, tonnes of online research, many battles with my stubborn self and a few tears I have made up my mind. Today I emailed my consultant and asked him if he would consider referring me for a Gastric Sleeve instead (either straight away or post a 6 month balloon course, since the waiting list is most likely over six months anyway. I'm already booked in for a balloon at the end of July as I was too hesitant about surgery at my appointment).

Definitely not an easy decision and I'm still not quite sure how I'll be able to go through with it (they will need to give me lots of sedatives before bringing me in for the anaesthesia, that's for sure). But enough is enough.

Thank you all for your feedback. A special thank you to Yvessa - something in your story just made my mind click.
Hello again everybody. After much thinking, tonnes of online research, many battles with my stubborn self and a few tears I have made up my mind. Today I emailed my consultant and asked him if he would consider referring me for a Gastric Sleeve instead (either straight away or post a 6 month balloon course, since the waiting list is most likely over six months anyway. I'm already booked in for a balloon at the end of July as I was too hesitant about surgery at my appointment).

Definitely not an easy decision and I'm still not quite sure how I'll be able to go through with it (they will need to give me lots of sedatives before bringing me in for the anaesthesia, that's for sure). But enough is enough.

Thank you all for your feedback. A special thank you to Yvessa - something in your story just made my mind click.
I'm glad I was able to help honey and I hope that your road is smooth sailing. It is very scary, but these surgeries can give you your life back. Good luck.
Good luck tilli :) ...it's a difficult decision even for the strongest of us. Just think of the future skinny you.
Thanks guys..we'll see what he says. I am finding this process very mentally draining so I really appreciate the support on this forum.
It is very draining but you will get there :) Maybe start your own diary thread? or read some of the diaries out there?
So heard back from my consultant and am feeling a bit deflated. He says that it would be best, in his opinion, to try the balloon first and if that fails go for surgery. That puts me in a very awkward position..my bmi is 50 and obviously I would like to work hard with the balloon to get that down to a safer level prior to surgery - but if I do well he won't refer me? Catch 22. Very confused...he said in my first consultation that for him it is entirely up to the patient and that if I wanted surgery he would do that (but suggested the balloon as I was so hesitant).

This was a really tough decision to make and I was hoping for his support and reassurance rather than making me doubt the surgery route again...and it makes me uneasy that he went back on his word, doesn't exactly help my trust issues. Not sure what to do now. I have my balloon booked in for end of July and then a followup one month after. Guess i will have to discuss in more detail with him then. Just feel all confused and unsure again. :(
I suspect he is worried about your quick turnaround - when he said that did you explain why you'd changed your mind? He may be thinking that you don't really understand the ramifications or you need the time with the balloon to be absolutely sure.
Agree with Yve here. Talking solely from my perspective here and I think I've said it to you before but I would have rather have had the bypass up front without the balloon. I have so many co morbidities that they would not contemplate it, not until I got my bmi down from 68 to a safer 50 BMI first. For the 5 months I have had the balloon my anxious mind has been constantly on the up coming op and on making the allotted target. Don't get me wrong I am excited but just wish that it was all over and done with so that I could just get past the dread and on with the new me. It has gave me far too much time to think lol. Now that we are in July I am starting to get the panics as sometime next month is going to be the big day. Not going to back out now though because I am not only seeing the benefits but im also feeling them too. Out for a stroll the other day I said to hubby that for the first time since starting this palaver I actually feel lighter :D. It has been both fraught and exhilarating getting to this point but if there was anything I could change it would be omitting the balloon part. I'm not a doctor but a BMI of 50 seems a reasonable start point so can't understand your surgeons point on that. I do however wonder if it is as Yve says that he's more concerned about your quick change around on surgery and is worried that you perhaps have not given enough thought to the drastic life changes that either a bypass or sleeve means to you. If you are indeed committed to going down this route I would ask to speak to the surgeon again and be clear on what you want but also tell him that just because you have came round to this decision doesn't mean that your fear of surgery has disappeared which is quite to the contrary and that you will need support or medication to get you to that goal ;). Good luck hun x
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So heard back from my consultant and am feeling a bit deflated. He says that it would be best, in his opinion, to try the balloon first and if that fails go for surgery. That puts me in a very awkward position..my bmi is 50 and obviously I would like to work hard with the balloon to get that down to a safer level prior to surgery - but if I do well he won't refer me? Catch 22. Very confused...he said in my first consultation that for him it is entirely up to the patient and that if I wanted surgery he would do that (but suggested the balloon as I was so hesitant).

This was a really tough decision to make and I was hoping for his support and reassurance rather than making me doubt the surgery route again...and it makes me uneasy that he went back on his word, doesn't exactly help my trust issues. Not sure what to do now. I have my balloon booked in for end of July and then a followup one month after. Guess i will have to discuss in more detail with him then. Just feel all confused and unsure again. :(

Hi tilli
Sorry you didn't get the reaction you were looking for. But I think it is a good idea to have the balloon first.
My mam had the band done 5 years ago and has put back on all her weight. I wonder if she had the balloon done first, would this have gradually changed her eating habits? Rather than her going straight into shock of a liquid diet followed by mush for weeks.
Look for as much positives out of your outcome!
You need to be positive to move forward and get the most out of your time.
The doc is pro at this and although he didn't spend enough time discussing his reasons for putting this plan into place, he does this every day of the week, so he probly knows what he's talking about.
But if u are so unsure about it, mabey you should ask for another follow up appointment to discuss further, or mabey email him with ur questions. Tell him it's so important to u that you give this a big shot and get the weight off you. That you want the best possible chances of loosing the weight!
Hope you get sorted xx

carol b :)
Thanks everybody, you are all so sweet and a great support :hug99:

My email to him was rather long and did explain why I had changed my mind, and also why I wasn't fit to make that decision in our first consultation. I also explained that I fully understood the risks of the surgery and the drastic changes I would need to make to my lifestyle afterwards. So all in all I think I made a good case.

I can see how he wouldn't be comfortable perhaps doing this via email as it is a big decision - I am just worried that maybe there is some subconscious bias on his part as he is the "balloon specialist" and is in charge of that program. He doesn't actually do surgery (but is part of the Guys St Thomas/Kings College team), anyone coming in through G&ST Th these days who get surgery have the actual surgery at King's College.

I think I will just wait and discuss face to face in my followup in August instead. I'm still doing the balloon anyway to get started so...

The thing is I probably could lose the weight with the balloon program if I work really hard as I managed to do it with Sibutramin - but I want something for life. I can't handle doing another yo-yo thing, it would break me.

Anyway... guess I need to focus on one step at a time. Balloon insertion end of July, first step. The procedure sounds really unpleasant. I don't have a problem with needles and have a fairly high pain threshold - but I find anything where there is a lack of control (such as being put under anaesthesia or being held down while someone forces a tube down into your stomach!) really scary. Hoping the sedation is good stuff!

Have you heard anything more about your surgery date Femfrankie?

Edit: Oh sorry, just noticed that you said next month! Wow that is really soon! So happy for you, though completely understand you are nervous xx
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Tilli, my worries are similar to yours. I also want something permanent, but my circumstances make that I physically don't have time for the op. I am only home for 4 weeks And there are no surgeons within travelling distance who can se me, asses me, then operate in that short time.

I hope you find the right decision for you . It's so hard!

So, the balloon is my option. 12 months , being fitted on the 27th July!! 3 weeks!!! Aarrtgghhhh

I'm excited nervous and petrified that it won't work!!! But my mind is ready for it and I'm starting to think about my goals and the year ahead. This time next year...... I'll be talking about getting it removed!!

Rebecca :)
Thanks everybody, you are all so sweet and a great support :hug99:

My email to him was rather long and did explain why I had changed my mind, and also why I wasn't fit to make that decision in our first consultation. I also explained that I fully understood the risks of the surgery and the drastic changes I would need to make to my lifestyle afterwards. So all in all I think I made a good case.

I can see how he wouldn't be comfortable perhaps doing this via email as it is a big decision - I am just worried that maybe there is some subconscious bias on his part as he is the "balloon specialist" and is in charge of that program. He doesn't actually do surgery (but is part of the Guys St Thomas/Kings College team), anyone coming in through G&ST Th these days who get surgery have the actual surgery at King's College.

I think I will just wait and discuss face to face in my followup in August instead. I'm still doing the balloon anyway to get started so...

The thing is I probably could lose the weight with the balloon program if I work really hard as I managed to do it with Sibutramin - but I want something for life. I can't handle doing another yo-yo thing, it would break me.

Anyway... guess I need to focus on one step at a time. Balloon insertion end of July, first step. The procedure sounds really unpleasant. I don't have a problem with needles and have a fairly high pain threshold - but I find anything where there is a lack of control (such as being put under anaesthesia or being held down while someone forces a tube down into your stomach!) really scary. Hoping the sedation is good stuff!

Have you heard anything more about your surgery date Femfrankie?

Edit: Oh sorry, just noticed that you said next month! Wow that is really soon! So happy for you, though completely understand you are nervous xx

That's great tilli. You sound so much more positive, assertive and decided today. You have to do what you think is right for you with guidance of your surgeon of course.
As for the actual insertion of the balloon I don't remember a darn thing as I was lightly sedated but I know of others who had it done with just the throat numbing spray so therefore were much more aware of the procedure.
Very few people know that I have the balloon or that I am even going for the bypass but a few of those that do know have questioned why I want to put myself under such a drastic operation especially as I have proved I can do it on my own. May I add that the ones who have asked have never had a weight problem. But my reply is consistently the same ... I am we'll aware that I am able to lose weight as I have lost vast amounts many, many times over. The problem I have is keeping it off! I stopped dieting after I became ill in early 2002. The weight piled on as my activity level fell to zero until mentally I reached the point of no return. Bariatric surgery I was told was not going to happen for me so i literally gave up trying any more..... How wrong I was :D.
There are times I look back at the past 5 months and think god they are going by sooo slowly other times its wow that went rather quickly. Today I'm literally quaking in my boots as I near August knowing that all going well I will be facing both my biggest dread and biggest chance at a new life. My next appointment with the team is 3 weeks time when 1: I will be informed if my funding has been approved by FVH. I have been told not to worry about this as I have achieved every thing that was asked of me and more but of course I still do worry. 2:informed when the balloon will be removed. There is a bit of debate here as the original plan was to remove this at the same time as the bypass but because I have had so much reflux issues with the balloon they may remove it 2 wks before as to ensure that any damage caused has a chance to heal before hand. Fingers crossed its the former but have to be guided by my team here. Mr Stuart at my last visit envisaged surgery to happen early August :).... What a bloody fantastic 12 months this has been!!!