Good evening all,
I've not been on here for a bit as I thought I'd not get my balloon done. Little support at home and fear of things going wrong. Then out of the blue got offered a date and him in doors has said go for it. Now that I've picked my jaw of the floor I am excited, apprehensive and worried all rolled into one.
It has been wonderful reading your experiences and boy you have all done so well
I am booked in for the end of October so fingers crossed I will be striving towards my goal. Looking forward to a slimmer healthier me come Christmas.
Hope you don't mind me gate crashing your thread
K x
I may have started the thread but I did it so other ballooners could join in and share their experience on the ups and downs of WLS with a balloon. All are welcome to jump in here at any point

... I am so pleased that your other half has given his blessing on this at last kismet

... That's such a major step

.. Fantastic
Okay first things first... I will repeat this till I'm blue in the face but I feel it is important that I do...
It's a tool and it can be very effective if you stick rigidly to the rules. Stray from them and it can quite quickly all go pear shaped. Your appointment is the end of October so it would be a good idea to get your head in the right place fairly soon...The sooner the better to be honest. It may not be an invasive surgery but it is not the easiest form of WLS either
1 /you can easily cheat it.. not recomended of course but if you dare to do it too often you WILL stretch Your stomach and all is lost when the resistance goes.
2/You may be the very rare lucky one that doesn't but you will feel ill for at least a week after insertion and you may be one of the few unlucky ones where it never really settles. You need to be pepared for this as the sickness can go on for a few weeks ..I'm 4 days post bypass surgery today and if I compare it with how I felt at 4days post balloon I have to say my bypass experience so far been so much better. I felt positively ill in the first two weeks after the balloon and to top it all I had issues with reflux for the remaining 6months but that was something I could work with. The majority of ballooners do not get it. I was just one of the unfortunate ones. But you need to be aware that it may not be all plain sailing

Get over those initial weeks stick to the rules stringently and it will work for you... I lost 5stone with the balloon alone. It was by no means easy but it did work well for the first 5months. My restriction started to go in the last month but there was just a little left to get me through the final month but by then my head was also well and truly in the right place.
I'm not trying to put you off ..far from it I just feel its important to lay out the pitfalls well in advance so that you can be as prepared as much as possible.
Good luck kismet .. I am truly excited for you
