New Member
Thanks femfrankie you area star. I have 11 weeks and I have my portion pots and portion plate out already. I am trying to get into a routine with meals. I like you only have bread at the weekend. I hate weighing out food hence the food portion pots. I am having cereal for breakfast, home made soup for lunch (don't usually bother but then pick all afternoon on rubbish) and a healthy evening meal. Hate fatty meats but spuds are my downfall lol! I am also increasing my water intake. Hopefully with these small changes life with balloon may be easier.
No one except my best friend, other half and mum know I'm having this done so by making changes now it won't be too obvious come October.
No one except my best friend, other half and mum know I'm having this done so by making changes now it won't be too obvious come October.