As I posted in the thread thought I better show off one of my outfits hehe. Weight still stuck at 22st... God I hate it when I stall but I feel better in my new clothes from M&S![]()
Good on yexx
Looking good![]()
Can't wait to get back into it myself! Home tomorrow night !!!
carol b![]()
Thanks ladies
Cor that was quick Carol seems you left only yesterday! Hope you have had a good timexx
Welcome back Carol & well done on joint another class . My workout is looking after my 7 month old granddaughter lol. I'm doing great but in yet another stall as my weight hasn't budged for nearly 2 weeks but I'm trying not to stress about it as I know I'm still firmly on the rails so it will start moving again at some point. Took delivery of my new bolster holders yesterday ... 3 sizes smaller lol so it was no wonder I was a bit droopy. I didn't have faith in the lady that measured me because I was in denial that I could have shrunk that much but yahoo they fit like a glove. My mum in law who has been great from the start made me laugh . I said to her that I had finally received my new bras and she commented yes I did notice you are "up" again. At 85 she has a wicked sense of humour lol
How's it going Rose? not heard from you for a few days. Hope all is well xxx
I know I shouldn't but I am going to take the bait. At the risk of sounding judgemental, you are going to TRX and claiming you can't work, are you kidding me?
Hey, have not been on for ages, sorry guys. Combination of not having internet and desperately looking for work.
All grand here. Gained a fair bit over Easter but lost it again just as quickly. Did something last night I never thought I would do and I went to a ballet class. It was fantastic. I am well proud of myself. I had my epidural steroid injection on Wednesday and it went fine. Not the most pleasant way to spend the morning but I have some relief. Has flared up a little this morning after the class but hopefully it will settle again.
How is everyone doing?
I know I shouldn't but I am going to take the bait. At the risk of sounding judgemental, you are going to TRX and claiming you can't work, are you kidding me?
Yea I was told the only treatment for fybromyalgia is to go the gym, exercise classes n all that to strengthen the muscles. So I will try anything.
Arms are killing me since I don't it but I was told to go try again so I'm not in so much pain.
Don't know if I will even manage another ten mins of it! But it has to be done if its going to help.
carol b![]()
I don't know if its right but the way I see it is, the sooner I loose the weight the sooner the pain may come to a stop.
I go to the gym normaly 3 times a week, when I get back I'm so tired I have to rest for 3 ish hours. I go to bed with the kids at 7 or 8 coz of the chronic fatigue.
Because of the pain I don't get much sleep.
Nothing is making the problems any better at all!!
My hands are swolen since I got home from holidays. I'm in agony. Cold is killing me and the hubby's out working over time since 8am with no extra pay!
But that's life!
carol b![]()
Yes unfortunately it is. Life is hard at the moment. My hubby suffered what could have turned out to have been a serious injury this week when a boiler blew up in his face. As it was he sustained lacerations to his face and had to get half his nose sutured back.. He was released once patched up ... Did he come home? Or take time off? Did he heck. No he went straight back to work because he saw it as a necessity & his duty. He has had no wage rise since 2007 and with overtime being as rare a hens teeth of course he is going to grab it. Even if it is at his basic hourly rate.
On the weight front carol yes of course wight loss should help the fibro but you don't want to undo it all by going hell for leather at the gym if its going to aggravate the condition. It kind of defeats the purpose. I don't have fibro but i do have friends via the pain clinic who do and I think they would baulk at this level of exercise. Their approach as far a I am aware is gentle with a slow build up in intensity but never aggressive. Just my penny's worth xx
Men!!!! Your poor husband!!!!! That's a heck of a day!
My hubby is home since 11pm!!! And going back in tomorrow morning to finish the job!
Hope ur hubby's ok now.
carol b![]()
Yes, thank goodness, he was real lucky. He got a right earful from me though because he had went right back to work lol.
Any hoo good newsI'm another 2lb down so am now into the 21's!!! :bliss: & what I thought was a 3week stall was actually only 2 lol. Funny how the mind tricks you. I just have to remember to get those fluids in