Hope you all are well and had a fantastic Christmas. Mine was a real eye opener. I keep having to remind myself I'm still learning. I'm on mushies at the moment, so had everything just well cooked. I can manage about 10-15 baby fork fulls and I'm full. My full warning doesn't seem to have a feeling of full like before, my warning is that my nose begins to run which is odd but I know that if I eat even a spoonful or fork more it will all come back. I've avoided all the usual Christmas treats in our house, my will power has increased tenfold since surgery, no sweets, crisps, alcoholic drinks, chocolates have wormed their way in. I felt really proud of myself as this time last year I would have gone to Tesco's and morrisons on Boxing day to buy cheap Christmas foods and goodies to last throughout January, when we all know they wouldn't really last that long. I am proud I didn't do this and instead went into our new Asda and bought a lot of reduced price fruit and veg. I plan to do the same on New Years eve, as a lot of local shops reduce the prices of perishables massively. I paid 15p for a £3 fruit platter which was shared on Christmas Day evening. This year has been a real eye opener and I hope next year will be the year where I change from the 'ugly' duckling to the swan I want to be, will be. I will go back to Thorpe Park and get on the rides I was unable to ride, I will go to the London Dungeons and go on the ride at the end, not feel ridiculed when asked to get off as the bar wouldn't come down. I will do these things. Anyways, hope you ALL have a fantastic New Year.
Thanks for all the support this year, amazing to read all the posts and journeys that we share.