Hi everyone, hope you all are well and scales are moving for you.

Been such a crazy couple of weeks for me, since going back to work (went back early as short staffed), my weight has started to budge quicker, due to being on my feet for eight+ hours and working 6 days a week at the moment. I had to do a trouser shop this week as my work trousers I bought after surgery were too loose, I've gone from a 30/32 in November down to a 24 today. I am ecstatic. I've not worn clothes in a 24 since I was 17, nearly 8 years ago. Next month marks my 25th Birthday, this year my birthday will signify something much more to me than my usual birthdays, I plan to go out. I have never gone out on my birthday before, choosing to stay home and relax, well this year myself and a small group of work/close friends are going clubbing, I have never ever been clubbing before, but this year I vowed to not hold myself back, I am much more confident. My weight loss has inspired my best friend to try again to loose some weight and we will be going swimming once my new costume arrives from Yoursclothing (£5 in a sale - never been able to buy my clothes so cheap - being a big girl all my life clothing has cost a fortune, now its so cheap!). Things are changing and people are starting to notice, my work uniform is getting loose, my face has started to thin out too. I feel a changed person inside and out. This year will be such a massive year for me. Anyhow, I must dash, got some healthy chilli cooking (minus rice). My tastes have definitely changed, before I hated strong tastes, now I love them.

Healthy and homecooked is the way forward.