Leda, hi, don't believe we've met. Looked at your diary, you're about 6-7 weeks post-op RNY, is that correct?
If you're doing 700kcal a day, in my experience, a small calorie increase will help get things moving again. I'd try this - increase to 900kcal for a day, then drop to 600kcal. That'll give you variance and almost 'shock' the body into losing weight again. Change is good.
Then gradually increase kcal back to around 800 daily. By 12 weeks post-op, I'd be aiming for 800-1200kcal daily.
I'm coming up to 10 months post-op RNY and I'm 6lbs away from goal. Discipline with diet is key for me, as is measurement of food and calorie tracking.
It doesn't work for everyone I'm sure, as we're all different and our bodies react differently. I definitely think wls is a tool, the hard work is done by our heads...
Best of luck.