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Fat teens, fat twenties - my thirties will be fitter!

Hope your first day back went well Lisa!
Well I've found being in work easier this week apart from severe tiredness, I have got myself into a routine of eating which is really good! I am on to purée from Tuesday so my lovely daddy is going to make me a stew in the slow cooker that I can put into portions and blend! Mmm! I can't wait! I weighed in today and I've lost two pounds taking my weight loss to 1stone 13 pounds since I started pre-op on the 17th April! I never imagined I could lose it that quickly! Really happy. Dealing with lots of head hunger cravings at the moment - I just want to crunch something but I am really trying to
Play this by the book! Thanks for all your support! X
Wooohooo!! I've made it to the pureed stage!!! Get in!!! I am so excited! I am already planning to have a weight watchers shepherds pie this evening for dinner and blend it to a nice puree! Should I just do half? I'm not sure how I can cut it, cos its frozen... Hmm. Oh well the whole thing is about 250 calories so I'll just take it slow and see how much I can eat, as I have 630 calories left to have today. I'm aiming at 1000 calories a day, I have had no guidance on how much I should be aiming for and I'm a bit worried about going in to starvation mode, so I hope this is ok?

I just heard back from the hospital anyway, and I have a meeting with the dietician booked, and straight after my first fill - all depending on how the dietician meeting goes. Thats on 11th June. They said it depends on how I am getting on with solids. They did also say that I do have some fluid already in my band, which I didnt know, but I have no clue how much, and also which size band I have.

I'm doing race for life (walking it) on 15th July, so as I feel quite a bit better, I started walking further with my dog last night. I set myself a route and power walked as much as I could up a hill and timed it, so I can see if I improve. The dogs gonna love me!
It's early days, so your tummy / band will probably tell you it's full. Enjoy your dinner x
Hi Lisa

Just popping in to say well done on your losses so far!

If it helps at all I could eat a whole WW ready meal too, I was told to aim for arounf 6 tablespoons of mushy / puree. This is a little more than a WW meal - more like a supermarket meal but I couldnt quite manage that.

Remember to take it slowly and stop if you feel a tightening in your chest xx
Hi Lisa

Just popping in to say well done on your losses so far!

If it helps at all I could eat a whole WW ready meal too, I was told to aim for arounf 6 tablespoons of mushy / puree. This is a little more than a WW meal - more like a supermarket meal but I couldnt quite manage that.

Remember to take it slowly and stop if you feel a tightening in your chest xx

Thanks Mazza! Thats reassuring!! I was comfortably full after eating and made sure that I didnt drink for half an hour after either. How many calories should I be aiming to have in a day? I am currently having around 1000 and doing 15 minutes fast walking (uphill) with my dog each day. Xxx
Not an easy one to answer that lol, depends on height, weight and activity levels!

I had 1200 cals a day and more if was doing lots of exercising such as a spinning class. But I'm 5ft 10 and in my forties as well. I just found that 1200 worked for me.

Does myfitnesspal give you a calorie allowance - notice by yoru ticker you use it xx
No, you have to input your own target. I am 5 foot 4.5 and am doing about 15 minutes moderate exercise a day.
Typical meals are
Milky coffee and an actimel for breakfast
Weight watchers soup for lunch with a frube or some jelly to snack on throughout the day
Evening meal was soup - but last night i had a weight watchers ready meal
then I will have another milky coffee in the evening and some custard or jelly or a low fat yoghurt.

How does that sound? I feel like i'm eating quite a lot, but the calories are low.
Woohoo! Totally over the moon today! I've lost another four pounds takin my weight loss to 2 stone 3 pounds since 17th January AND I just got my period yesterday and am totally bloated! Been walking this week with my dog a lot and am getting into the gym tomorrow! So happy! I could never have done this without my band!
Amazing news Lisa! Woop woop the weight is dropping off you :) xxx
Fantastic Lisa, carry on the great work and reap the rewards x
Lisa, you are doing amazingly! chosen your bikini for the summer yet? x
Hope your partner is enjoying the new svelte you?
Lisa, you are doing amazingly! chosen your bikini for the summer yet? x
Hope your partner is enjoying the new svelte you?

haha Shelly! That will never happen!!! I did in fact buy a new swimsuit, but one of those with the tummy panels that holds you all in! I am the glamour queen!! To be honest, I cant notice too much of a difference, Colleen does keep mentioning how my tummy looks smaller, or the tops of my legs, but to be fair, I have so much to lose, its going to be a while before I look "good".

I see you are doing fantastically! Well done, how do you feel? x
Been to the gym tonight for the first time in a LONG time and managed to do 12 minutes on the exercise bike, some free weights and then 13 minutes on the treadmill! Was sweating like a beast! Then I got home and took my dog out for a walk. Feeling good as I couldnt have done that just over a month ago :)
Amazing Lisa!

Check you out with your new found energy and gym going! I can't wait to get in there again as used to love it!

Well I am official 1 week post op today woo hoo! So I'm guessing really it's 6 weeks but in 6 weeks time I will be sunning myself in the Dominican republic woo hoo! (my first ever holiday where I will come back thinner haha) so when I'm back I'm going to start hitting the gym.

I've had my kettle bells next to me of the sofa and did a few arm exercises though this afternoon lol!

Wow get you! I'd love to go to the Dominican republic! I've been to Mexico and Cuba and loved it so that's definitely on my list!! Well done on the kettle bells! X