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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

I'm here and another of your gang, I have 1 great sister and 1 not so great and a bit of a rubbish mom... I just value the great sister and forget about negative people and don't give them emotional room xxx
Sorry to hear about your band. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I've been at target weight for a few months now & still need all the help this forum & the beautiful, wonderful people like you provide. Call me a quiet admirer but hopefully one of your wls friends.
Well my gang!

It's not looking good for the quick fix option. Had both barium X-rays and dye put through my band

Nothing detached and no leaks showing up. Looks like it is that slow puncture scenario

See what Mr Gibson says tomorrow night
Oh bugger Kirsty. At least you are a step closer. These bands can be fickle. Hope resolution comes soon.
Well my gang! It's not looking good for the quick fix option. Had both barium X-rays and dye put through my band Nothing detached and no leaks showing up. Looks like it is that slow puncture scenario See what Mr Gibson says tomorrow night

Not good but at least you know what the issue is now!!! Hopefully when it's fixed u will be back ontrack!!!

You have done amazing considering xxx
If there's no leak in the actual band, could it be a port problem??

I really hope they're not trying to fob you off with an 'it's fine' thing. Got everything crossed for you.
Bear it's a port problem they have just ruled out today. The new surgeon said that if it's not the port or plumbing I am likely to need the band removed and replaced - so we shall see I am loosing the fluid from somewhere but today they could not see where They filled me up to 9ml again today

I have to go back to post surgery diet. Fluids for a few days then onto soft for a few days - as they were messing about with my pluming for a bit of time today :-(

I'm hank Marvin!!!!
Hey Kirsty, if they know the fills are leaking out somehow surly they still need to fix it.... Insist hunni...... You paid a lot of money for your package!... Stay strong and stand your ground until they get it sorted.... Fingers crossed for a positive meeting with your consultant! Xxx
Oh buggeration! It's nearly a year since the first op and now you have to go through it again!! Seriously, ask for a sleeve instead for no extra cost..what they save in fills will cover the cost for them! Tell them you want a tiddler too!!
A slow puncture sounds reassuring..not! Let's see how long it takes for 9ml to drain out!!
Really sorry for you with all this lets hope Mr Gibson was get you sorted ASAP...x
Sorry the results weren't what you were hoping for Kirsty, fingers crossed your consultant has some ideas to get you back on track

Lynn x
Karina I was thinking about asking for a sleeve but doubt they will do it. My BMI is about 27. They would not consider it when my BMI was 37 :-(

also there are folks on here disappointed with the weight loss with the sleeve......though obviously not you :) :)

But if my band has to come out I will definitely ask about a sleeve. I am going to research the sleeve tonight. Risks etc. I had read it was a risk that they cut through a nerve and you can be left with constant nausea EEK

What weight were you after your pre op when you got your sleeve? PM me if that's too private xxx

Did you hear about your house this afternoon?
Hank margin lol very funny... Well you will drop a few lbs so think positively x

Alfie. 4 days of liquids. Don't know how I'm going to manage my stomache sounds like some kind of grumbling monster right now. Not fit to be taken out in public

Can't wait till I finish work and can sit down with a hot chocolate.....crickey all I need are some lunch abeles and danios and I can turn into Karina :)
Lunchables and danios are the future...ive got a delivery tonight!!

I was bmi 31, just under 32, when i had my consultation and 13st at 5"4. After pre op I was 11st 9lbs on the day of the operation. My top weight had been about 15st.
Put some thought in to what you want and what will be best for you...i know I did, maybe this leak is fate...get the coin of fate tossed to make a decision!!!

God theres never a dull moment is there x