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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Not sure who your provider is but taking all the pain in the area and emotion out of it the facts are thus...you entered into a contractual arrangement with your provider, the band is faulty, they put it in, they need to rectify the situation. If they don't have a surgeon with the expertise(and a round of applause to them for acknowledging this) then I think that they are obliged to suggest an alternative. All these bariatric surgeons are on retainers/ have contracts with various providers and do their own stuff, they are rarely tied in to one. I can't really,see the problem if they have to retain someone who doesn't work regularly with them to do a one off? I commission specialist medical assessments fairly regularly, sometimes through a provider, sometimes with the medic direct - can't think it can be that different in hour case?

I only know about the lack of experience because I specifically asked the question "how many band revision procedures have you done" then followed up with well out of your colleagues who has the most experience in band revision? To be told no one had the any experience - The man with the experience was my original surgeon who retired in December!!

So I then asked about conversion To a sleeve -no one has experience of this either and they would not do the procedure in one op anyway. Would require band removal then 3 months healing before a sleeve op. I may need to pay the difference in the price of the procedures - there were other reasons he gave me which made me less inclined to go for the sleeve - which were related to band to sleeve revision. I questioned why they would not do the op at the same time to be told the medical world were totally divided in this and he feels there is a better outcome and less risk of leakage when the tissue damaged by the band is allowed to heal first

Poor guy....probably felt like he was in the Spanish Inquisition lol
Kirsty this is total sh@t and I'm sure you are waking up today with a pounding wine head!
The main thing is, is that they put it right which I don't doubt they will and at least you are covered.
Revision surgery sounds a nightmare as I wouldn't be rushing to have the op again myself either.
Get reading up on revision surgery...I know a few on here have had it.
Don't go into self destruct though..stay on track with it x
Kirsty I'm so sorry to read all the cheap you're going through, there is very little I can say that hasn't already been said, but keep your chin up, and fight for what you think is best for you xx good luck xx
Good morning Kirsty, hope you head isn't too sore :). Those questions you asked the surgeon were spot one. As you know I am about to have a revision myself and I could not go through with it if I wasn't 100% confident in my surgeon's ability to do it. I know people think going abroad is scary, which is understandable, but I choose the surgeon based on his experience and not his location. My revision is being done in one op unless the surgeon, whilst removing the band, finds that there are problems that mean it would be not optimal to go ahead. If that makes sense lol. He has the experience to make that call safely imo.

There are surgeons in England that have revision experience, in my opinion your provider should engage one to do yours. Wish you the best of luck with it, and something tells me you will make sure they resolve this properly. ;)
It's perfectly right you should ask questions, it's a big thing that has to be right and you have to feel safe and comfortable with going ahead.
Perhaps Mr Galloway should come out of retirement for one last op ;)
Ohhhh Kirsty what an absolute nightmare! Can't even imagine how you are feeling, I know we get told there are the 1 in a 100 chances and all that, but we always think that isn't going to be me!

What hospital/group did you go with?? My surgeon, is quite a pioneer in baristric surgery and has a lot of experience in revision....he did me (both times!) look him up....it's Mr Welbourn from Musgrove Park (that's his NHS hospital) or Nuffieid.

Hope things get sorted for you ASAP.

Much love. Xxx
Ohhhh Kirsty what an absolute nightmare! Can't even imagine how you are feeling, I know we get told there are the 1 in a 100 chances and all that, but we always think that isn't going to be me! What hospital/group did you go with?? My surgeon, is quite a pioneer in baristric surgery and has a lot of experience in revision....he did me (both times!) look him up....it's Mr Welbourn from Musgrove Park (that's his NHS hospital) or Nuffieid. Hope things get sorted for you ASAP. Much love. Xxx
Im with the Nuffield in Glasgow through the Assured Weightloss Povider
Hi Kirsty,
Like others mentioned, you can ask whether they can recruit an experienced surgeon to do the revision. Most of the surgeons operate at numerous hospitals, locations. My surgeon (Prof Ammori) travels to various locations and hospitals. He is based in Manchester but I had my operation in Essex for example. I paid his charges to him, and paid the hospital directly for their cost.

Good luck honey.
Thanks for all the good wishes and advice. My problem is that the provider will be picking up the cost for this under my care plan. I don't know how far they will be prepared to go. I have to speak to the Matrol who must be the contact for the provider she is not available till a week on Monday. Before then I will certainly be on line trying to check things out
Well I have been on line. Assure weightloss my provider is a small group of surgeons and health care professionals .... Working out of the Nuffield. So it looks like there is no bigger groups or partners. And my options may be the four surgeons listed. Can't talk to them till a week in Monday till this Matron gets back. I have tried to call to see if I can talk to some one but directed to an answer service

Feeling a bit hopeless

I just do not want to go into to surgery with a surgeon who has never done a revision
Aww man how sucky I'm wondering now whether this is what's wrong with my band as they couldn't deflate it when I went to have that done when I found out I was pregnant! So maybe that's what wrong with mine. I'll have to push now for them to look into it before my two years runs out!
How soon do u think they can do the revision for you? X
Hi Kirsty,
I am hoping that we are all worrying for nothing. These surgeons are, overall decent and sensible people, none of them would want a dent on their reputation and would not take on board an operation that they are not capable of. Maybe relax until you speak to the right person. I am sure you will air your concerns and ask for reassurance. See what they say.
You have their support at least - just wait and see and enjoy your weekend walk without thinking about this too much.

Look forward to hearing your good news next week,
p.s. my surgeon charged £3600 for the operation (for himself and the anaesthetist) The bulk of the money often goes to the hospital x
Tules I am under prof ammori had a band revision but if it fails again would prob have to pay for a sleeve is £3600 the total you had to pay? Xx
It's perfectly right you should ask questions, it's a big thing that has to be right and you have to feel safe and comfortable with going ahead.
Perhaps Mr Galloway should come out of retirement for one last op ;)

I don't know this Mr Galloway, but I do know surgeons, he may have "retired" from mainstream work but might be worth asking if he still operates on occasion (2 different things) . The people with the inside knowledge are normally the medical secretaries, might be worth a phone call?
I don't know this Mr Galloway, but I do know surgeons, he may have "retired" from mainstream work but might be worth asking if he still operates on occasion (2 different things) . The people with the inside knowledge are normally the medical secretaries, might be worth a phone call?

That's great advice!! That would definitely be worth looking into Kirsty!!! :) xx
Just looked at the profs web page. His stats on lack of complications are impressive no mortalities and no leaks in his gastric sleeves. Amazing

It is a shame Mr Robert Stuart only operates at Ross Hall afaik. Might be worth considering. He is one if the few bariatric surgeons left in Scotland, he was the guy who did my diagnostics recently and has revision experience. He is a little unusual in that he was the first fully independent surgeon in Scotland and very experienced a peer of Mr Galloway. I bet he would sub contract out. These guys are all pals.