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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Great news Kirsty, so pleased for you not long to wait now.

Wishing you a lovely weekend, only saying now because it's my op day tomorrow and I might not be be able to get on here.

Take care, huge hugs xxxx
Great news Kirsty, I met a lady in Belgium having the same op, although her band was a bit older than yours, she had had it 10yrs. I didn't see her again to find out if they had to replace it or not.

Lynn x
I know everyone has said but it's is great news fingers and toes crossed that will sort out your problem. Enjoy the few weeks left before your re adjust chill and just enjoy. You will feel,a bit rough afterwards but hopefully it will be sorted.
Hi Kirsty, just seen your update and so pleased for you and hoping this will sort out your issues xx
That's excellent news!! Xx

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Thank you all so much Well my downward journey has started. -1.3/4lb this morning to 12.6 and a quarter. First down for a while lol xx

ISO want to get under 12 for my surgery. Ideally back to 11.7 though that's a big ask in 4 weeks
Thank you all so much Well my downward journey has started. -1.3/4lb this morning to 12.6 and a quarter. First down for a while lol xx

ISO want to get under 12 for my surgery. Ideally back to 11.7 though that's a big ask in 4 weeks

You have switched the momentum. Downwards for you lovrly Kirsty :)
Well done my lovely friend :) downward from now onwards... huge congratulations hunni.... can see your huge smile from here :) x x x x have a fantastic weekend too x x x x
Forget the negativity..think I CAN I CAN!! (I probably couldn't either but this is a pep talk!)..I CAN!!
In your honour I bought some liberte yoghurts so in exchange you can smash out this next stone loss!!!
Excellent news Kirsty, and so glad it's given you a boost. X
You can so do it Kirsty!!!!!!!

So glad you're back on the downward direction, keep up the great work and you'll be all sorted and flying through those pounds before you know it :)